- synthetic physical geography 综合自然地理
- The study of the physical geography of mountains and mountain ranges. 山志学,山岳形态学一门研究山脉及山山脉地区的自然地理学
- Physical Geography of China: Zoogeography[M]. 中国自然地理:动物地理[M]。
- Physical geography for the first time took her rightful place. 地理形势第一次发挥了它正当的作用。
- Luckily, Yan Lin's father was in physical geography. 幸亏颜林他爹是搞自然地理的。
- He studied physical geography. 他研究自然地理。
- Physical geography is the study of mountains, rivers, seas, and rocks. 自然地理是研究山脉、河流、海洋和岩石的科学。
- Arthur N. Strahler:physical Geography,4 ed. John Wiley and Sons,1975. 南京大学地理系编:自然地理基础,商务印书馆,1980。
- Knitting his brows, he tried to recall concepts from his textbook, The Physical Geography of China. 他皱着眉头,回忆着《中国自然地理》中那些专门概念的内容。
- First, the physical geography, climate, hydroaraphy, soil and mine resources were analyzed and diagnosed. 对怀柔县的自然地理、气候水文、土地土壤、矿产资源进行了分析与诊断;
- In Surface Water and Historical Physical Geography you were described as an unruly river never at rest, changing course again and again. 《地表水》和《历史自然地理》上说,你是条不知安宁、河床屡改的不驯的河。
- Water and Historical Physical Geography you were described as an unruly river never at rest, changing course again and again. 地表水》和《历史自然地理》上说,你是条不知安宁、床屡改的不驯的河。
- Such changes would transform the physical geography of our planet, as well as the human geography how and where we live our lives. 诸如此类的变化不仅将造成自然地理的改变,也会带来人文地理的变化,关系到人类将如何及在何处生活。
- Such changes would transform the physical geography of the planet, as well as the human geography how and where we live our lives. 这种变化还将转化成地球上的自然地理变化,以及人类的地理变化,即人类在什么地方生活,如何继续生活。
- Introductory or advanced courses in physical geography, oceanography, hydrology and chemistry are all subjects for consideration in choosing electives. 介绍性或高级课程的自然地理,海洋,水文和化学是所有科目供选择选修科目。
- It synthesizes interdepartmental knowledge of different disciplines, including geology, physical geography, meteorology, oceanography, bioscience, and astronomy. 在这各种自然体系相互作用和影响交织之下所形成的人类生态环境的错综性。
- Malcolm Newson, Twenty years of systematic physical geography: issues for a 'new environmental age ',Progress in Physical Geography, 16 (2), 1992. 张洪岩;励惠国.;数字地球时代的地理信息科学
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- Its momentums root in those integrated influences and effects of physical geography, social culture, economy system and politics. 其动力来源于自然地理的、社会文化的、经济体制的和政治等因素的综合影响和作用。
- There is very arid, big wind, high temperature in west coastal Hainan, which is its characteristic of physical geography. 海南西部沿海地区具有干旱、风大、高温、多灾害的自然地理特点,生态环境具有脆弱性。