- Aim To find a new synthetic method of linezolid. 摘要目的寻找合成利奈唑酮的新工艺。
- The new synthetic method of hungchaoite has been firstly proposed. 提出使用结晶法合成章氏硼镁石的新方法。
- Objective To improve synthetic method of Lansoprazole. 目的改进兰索拉唑的合成方法。
- synthetic method of proof 综合证猫
- OBJECTIVE To improve the synthetic method of Alendronate sodium. 摘要目的改进阿仑膦酸钠的制备方法。
- Objective: To modify the synthetic method of fluvoxamine. 目的:改进氟伏沙明的合成方法。
- OBJECTIVE:To improve the synthetic method of bifemelane hydrochloride. 目的:改进二苯美仑盐酸盐的合成方法。
- This paper reports a new synthetic method of nickel borate acylate . 本文研究了以碳酸镍合成硼酰化镍的新方法。
- Aim To study the new synthetic method of quinalphos for industrial size. 目的研究喹硫磷改进合成方法及其可工业化生产条件。
- The method of proof in which a known truth is sought as a consequence of a series of deductions from that which is the thing to be proved. 解析,一种证明方法,即把已知事实作为将被证明的一系列演绎过程的结果。
- During a litigation, as a method of proof and in a certain condition, the application of Prima facie Beweis plays an absolutely irreplaceable role. 在诉讼上,作为一种证明手段,在一定条件下,表见证明的运用始终发挥着独特而不可替代的功能。
- This paper reported the synthetic method of polymethine styrylcyanines from benzotellurazolium iodides. 本文首次报道了由苯并碲唑季铵碘盐合成多次甲基苯乙烯菁的方法。
- OBJECTIVE: To study the synthetic method of 2,2 dimethyl 5 hydromethyl 1,3 dioxane. 目的:探讨2,2二甲基5羟甲基1,3二氧六环的合成方法。
- The synthetic method of HDI using BTC to substitute phosgene was expected to be... 说明采用BTC代替光气合成HDI是一条切实可行的路线。
- The synthetic method of BEM3 flow improver and its industrial application in Luning pipeline were introduced. 介绍了BEM3原油流动性改进剂的合成方法及其在鲁宁线上的工业性应用情况。
- OBJECTIVE Improving the synthetic method of neohouttuynin sodium to adapt industrial production. 目的改进新鱼腥草素钠的合成方法,适应工业化生产。
- Euclid's books on geometry, with their formal axioms and rigorous methods of proof, shaped mathematical thinking for more than 2000 years. 他关于几何方面的书籍,以其形式公理和严格论证方法影响世界数学思想达2000多年之久。
- OBJECTIVE To study the synthetic method of 4,4-bis(diethoxyphosphoryl) butanoic acid. 目的探讨4,4-二(二乙氧膦酰)-丁酸的合成研究。
- This paper has reviewed the synthetic methods of spiro orthocarbonates. 本文综述此类单体的合成方法。
- Two important synthetic methods of penicillin sulfoxide are reviewed. 综述了以青霉素为原料,制备青霉素亚砚的2种重要方法。