- A gem cut in the form of a narrow rectangle. 狭长形宝石被切成细条形的宝石
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- My secretary is an absolute gem. 我的秘书真是个难能可贵的人。
- Some synthetic materials do not crush easily. 有些化纤衣料不易起皱。
- The basin is made of synthetic resin. 这个盆是用合成树脂做的。
- A gem that demands a fine setting. 宝石要配精美的戒台
- The Provincial government granted us the right to gem the whole river. 省政府批准我们从整个河流中开采宝石的权利。
- A synthetic imitation of natural tortoiseshell. 仿玳瑁模仿自然玳瑁的人工仿造品
- The transparency and luster of a gem. 水色宝石的透明度及光洁度
- This shelf was made of synthetic resin. 这个架子是合成树脂做的。
- Stockings made of one of these synthetic materials. 尼龙长袜用这些合成材料制成的长袜
- synthetic gem 合成宝石,人造宝石
- A transparent, green variety of garnet used as a gem. 翠榴石一种透明的、绿色的、用作宝石的石榴石
- A small natural or artificial gem used as a bearing in a watch. 钻石小的天然的或人造宝石,用作手表中的轴承
- A synthetic chemical resembling natural musk in odor or use. 合成麝香一种类似天然麝香的香味或者用途的人工合成的化学品
- The price of this gem is expensive -- as much so as astronomical figures. 这个宝石的价格十分昂贵--简直是个天文数字。
- He beguiled me into parting with the gem. 他诱骗我把那枚宝石割爱。
- Mercurial Stone can now be put into Gem Bags. 水银石现在能放置在宝石包中。
- A thin, loosely woven fabric of silk, cotton, or synthetic fiber. 紧捻纱罗织物一种由丝、棉或合成纤维织成的又薄又松的织物
- The portion of a cut gem above the girdle. 宝面露在镶嵌底板上面的那部分已雕琢过的宝石