- synformal anticline 向形背斜
- Anticline and monocline are major trap types. 圈闭类型主要为背斜圈闭及单斜圈闭。
- Sloping downward in opposite directions,as in an anticline. 背斜的沿不同方向向下倾斜的,如在背斜地势中
- Sloping downward in opposite directions, as in an anticline. 背斜的沿不同方向向下倾斜的,如在背斜地势中
- At present,the central anticline belt is the major short-te... 中央背斜带是近期的重点勘探区带。
- Description of hydrocarbon reservoir in No. 1 anticline in the DH oil field. DH油田1号背斜油藏描述
- Gushan anticline is the main controlling structure in Fengfeng mine district. 鼓山背斜是峰峰矿区的主控构造。
- Abstract Three anticline zones developed on the south margine of Junggar Basin. 准噶尔盆地南缘发育三排背斜带。
- It appears to be a sharp anticline with a strong suggestion of faulting on one side. 它看来象是在一边有着明显的断层迹象的陡峭的背斜。
- The styles of the detachment structure are short antiform and synform structure mainly, and dome structure, nappe outlier and nappe tectonic window too. 滑脱断裂的构造样式,以短轴背形、向形构造为主,另有穹窿构造、滑来峰构造、滑覆窗构造。
- Under the effect of regional tectonics, there develop many raws drape anticline and active fault in the front of mountain, and they have especial motion fashion. 由于受区域构造长期作用的影响,在北天山山前地区逐步发育形成了多排褶皱背斜及活动断裂,且运动方式具有独特性。
- The source of heat of the system comes from the heat flow within Tangshan anticline. 该系统以汤山背斜控热构造提供的大地热流为热源;
- The Baguashan anticline is located in the western thrust-and-fold zone of Taiwan orogen. 八卦山背斜位于台湾西部的逆冲褶皱带,总体生长是从北向南发展的。
- The interformational faulted zone structures result from anticline controlling faulted-zone-type skarn ore body. 层间破碎带构造,控制着破碎带型矽卡岩矿体,为背斜层间滑动形成的破碎带。
- The reservoir formation characteristic is “anticline structure controls hydrocarbon acc... 油藏类型以断鼻、断块为主。
- This zone has little folds includes kuangshan anticline, laiwu syncline and fangzhen syncline. 褶曲构造不甚发育,主要有矿山背料及其两翼的莱芜向斜和方下镇向斜。
- The rolling anticline associated with declining plate of growth fault is a main oil and gas accumulating position. 经研究可知,陆上及滨岸带与生长断层下降盘伴生的滚动背斜是主要油气聚集部位。
- Anticline and syncline, geometrical elements of fold, description and recognition of fold in the field. 背斜和向斜、褶皱的几何要素、褶皱的描述和褶皱的野外描述。
- Sazhi oil sand mine is located at Sazhi anticline of the western margin of Yuanmou uplift belt in Chuxiong Basin. 摘要楚雄盆地洒芷油砂矿位于元谋隆起西部边缘洒芷背斜上。
- The Qinjiatun reverse structural zone is a tine ridge anticline developed above the e... 这些反转构造发育在深层生烃凹陷附近,生、运、聚、储的配置关系极佳,是重要的油气圈闭。