- synclinal oil pool 向斜油藏
- The buried hill tuff oil pool of Hanan Oilfield has an unconformable contact with overlying sandstone of Aershan Group. 哈南油田凝灰岩潜山油藏与上覆阿尔善组的砂岩油藏呈不整合接触。
- A part of deep reservoirs of the Zhaowa-Anpeng Oilfield in the Biyang Depression belongs to deep-basin oil pool, i. 泌阳凹陷赵凹安棚油田深层系部分油(气)藏属于深盆油(气)藏,即深盆致密砂岩油(气)藏。
- Gudong oilfield features for its loose sand oil pool with rich heavy oil and heavy oil and paraffin widely distributed. 孤岛油田是典型的疏松砂岩油藏,稠油储量丰富,稠油、含蜡区块零散分布较广。
- Using this method and related software, the oil pool of the thrust bearing was meshed. 应用该算法实现了推力轴承油池网格的自动生成。
- JZS is the biggest buried hill oil pool in the Liaoxi uplift of Bohai Sea area,with dominated light grey gneiss and cataclasite. 渤海海域辽西低凸起锦州南(JZS)太古宇变质岩油藏是渤海海域最大的潜山油藏,岩性以片麻岩及其形成的碎裂岩为主。
- The radiative feedback and radiative output of oil pool fires with water substrate were ob-tained on the basis of axisymmetric fiame assumption. 本文基于轴对称灰体火焰的物理假定,运用二维数值积分方法,对含水层油品燃烧过程反馈热辐射以及火焰对环境的热辐射水平进行了估算;
- The Dengying Formation fossil oil pool of Upper Sinian in Nanshanping, Cili County, Hunan Province was formed in Late Silurian-Early Devonian Period. 湖南慈利南山坪乡上震旦统灯影组古油藏形成于晚志留世一早泥盆世时期,主要储集空间为灯影组白云岩因溶蚀作用形成的溶孔、溶洞和裂缝。
- Slope belt of dustpan?like sag may be divided into monoclinal belt and fracture belt as the characteristics structure, reservoir and oil pool etc. 箕状凹陷斜坡带按构造、储集层及油藏等特征分为单斜带与断裂带。
- The Fault Block Pu12,a typical homogeneous massive oil pool,is in pro duction decline period with a super-high water-cut . 濮12块为典型非均质块状油藏,已进入特高含水递减开发阶段,认识濮12块剩余油分布状况对于搞好后期开发调整挖潜十分重要。
- The Xiazijie Formation oil pool in Xiaoguai oilfield is a low-porosity, extreme-low permeability, fractured conglomerate reservoir. 小拐油田夏子街组油藏为低孔、超低渗裂缝性砾岩油藏,开发难度大。
- Huang Xingzhen, Shao Hongshun and Gu Shusong. 1993. Petroleum Formation and Direction for Finding Oil Pool in Qaidam Basin. Lanzhou: Gansu Science and Technology Press. 黄杏珍;邵宏舜;顾树松.;1993
- At the low oil volume fraction and low speed, the oil volume fraction increases rapidly with coordinate x to form the oil pool in the region close to the Hertzian contact area. 而低浓度乳化液于低转速时,油相比在接近赫兹接触区快速增加,亦即形成油池;
- The ancient asphalt-oil pool in this area is a sort of asphalt oil pool that has multiperiodic and multisource geneis and has gone, strong evolvemens in the late period. 这一地区的沥青古油藏是一种多源多期成因,并经历了后期强烈改造。
- In Taibei Sag,the Jurassic reservoir is major reservoir in Shenquan Oilfield,its reserve accounts for 70% of fieldwide reserve,and the reservoir type is complicated fault block oil pool. 台北凹陷神泉油田侏罗系油藏储量占全油田的 70%25 ,是神泉油田的主力油藏 ,油藏类型为复杂断块油藏。
- Cave and cleft in karst limestone are the main oil-bearing space of Ordovician oil poor in Tahe oil field,the develop level of ancient karst controlled the formation oil pool in Ordovician reservoir. 塔河油田奥陶系油藏储集空间以碳酸盐岩岩溶孔洞缝为主,古岩溶发育程度对奥陶系油气成藏有重要的控制作用。
- The reversal of the basin destroys oil pools and redistributes the oil and gas in common. 盆地的反转使油气藏遭到破坏和油气进行再分配成为普遍现象。
- The structure-stratigraphic oil pools are mainly distributed in the northern and southern part of ... 该研究成果用于勘探部署工作中,取得了较好的勘探效益。
- He slicks his hair down with oil every day. 他每天搽油把头梳得光溜溜的。
- The bishop anointed the new king with oil. 主教为新国王登基举行涂油仪。