- renal glomerulus synaptic glomerulus 突触(小)球
- synaptic glomerulus 突触(小)球
- A normal glomerulus is shown diagramatically. 图示正常肾小球。
- By light microscopy, the glomerulus is normal with MCD. 光镜下,微小病变的肾小球是正常的。
- The glomerulus is composed of a ball of capillaries. 肾小球由毛细血管构成;
- The history log only shows changes made with Synaptic. 历史日志仅仅显示新立得所作的更改。
- Quantal Analysis of Synaptic Currents at High Pressure. 高压下突触电流的量子分析。
- The Functional Significance of Short-term Synaptic Plasticity. 短时程突触可塑性的功能意义。
- Each glomerulus consists of a complex branching system of capillaries. 每个肾小球由复杂的毛细血管分支系统所组成。
- synaptic glomeruli 突触球
- In the kidney, blood pressure forces materials through the filter (glomerulus). 在肾脏,血压部队通过过滤材料(肾小球)。
- An area of collagenous sclerosis runs across the middle of this glomerulus. 胶状硬化的区域已经穿过肾小球的中央。
- Sudo apt-get install imwheel or by using synaptic to find and install it. 亦可用新立得来查找并安装它。
- Here is a glomerulus in which the capillary loops are markedly pink and thickened such that capillary lumens are hard to see. 图示肾小球,其中的毛细血管袢中呈明显的粉红色、管腔增厚,以至于毛细血管腔难以看见。
- One form, called hyaline arteriolosclerosis, is demonstrated by the markedly thickened arteriole to the lower right of this glomerulus with PAS stain. 经过PAS染色,可见连接右下方肾小球的细动脉已明显变厚,它就是被称为玻璃样变细动脉硬化的一种形态。
- The capillary loops of this glomerulus contain fat globules in a patient with fat embolism syndrome. 该脂肪栓塞患者的肾小球毛细血管腔内含有脂肪滴。
- Note in the lower left glomerulus that the capillary loops are markedly thickened (the so-called "wire loop" lesion of lupus nephritis). 左下角的肾小球毛细血管管壁显著增厚(狼疮性肾炎时的“线圈”征)。
- It is known to be due to an abnormality of the isceral epithelial cells (podocytes) of the glomerulus. 众所周知,其原因是肾小球脏层上皮细胞(足细胞)异常。
- Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) is the pathological changes of glomerulus, calyx and renel vessel result from diabetes. 糖尿病肾病(Diabetic Nephropathy,DN)是指糖尿病时发生的肾小球、肾小管、肾间质和肾血管病变。
- In addition, the relationship between the microvasculature of the renal glomerulus and filtration rate are discussed. 另外,文章还对肾小球微血管构筑与滤过率的关系进行了讨论。