- I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf. 我感触到一片树叶的完美的对称性。
- His teeth spoiled the symmetry of his face. 他的牙齿破坏了他的面部匀称。
- Borrower of book-those mutilator of collections, spoiler of the symmetry of shelves, and creator of odd volume. 借书者--是为珍藏本的破坏者、书本排列次序的捣乱者、零星残书的创造者。
- CABC is a plane of symmetry of the cellular structure. CABC是这个格子结构的一个对称面。
- The dual symmetry of Legendre transformation is studied. 指出热力学关系具有勒让德变换的对偶对称性 .
- The torch relay in 2008 after a number of regions and countries. 2008年的火炬传递经过了许多地区和国家。
- symmetry of regions 积分区域对称性
- This addition may interfere with the symmetry of the layout. 这么一加,会破坏整个布局的匀称。
- This addition may interfere with the symmetry of the building. 增建部分可能会有损这座建筑物的对称。
- They are symmetries of the sphere. 这就是球的对称性。
- Chinese society is a socialist of regionalization. 中国社会是一个区位化社会。
- Symmetry of plane curve is important to function research. 平面曲线的对称性对于函数研究具有重要意义。
- A swollen cheek spoiled the symmetry of his handsome face. 一边肿的面颊破坏了他英俊脸庞的对称。
- The Lorentz symmetry of spacetime forms the core of relativity. 时空的劳仑兹对称是构成相对论的核心。
- Lighten--- selective lightening of regions of an image. 在图像中扩大光照的区域。
- If a peace process got under way, Saudi Arabia would participate directly in multilateral talks about such problems of regional concern as shipping and pollution. 如果一项促进和平的安排开始进行,沙特阿拉伯将直接参与有关航运及污染等地区性问题的多边谈判。
- Aim To evaluate the habitability of every spot of region. 摘要目的对区域每一点的适居性进行综合评价。
- Bilateral symmetry of denture,masseter muscle,TMJ and jaw movement. 牙列、咀嚼肌、颞下颌关节、下颌运动左右对称。
- Can the Modern Architecture Be Possessed of Regional Features? 现代建筑有地域特色吗?
- The energy conservation law is a consequence of the shift symmetry of time. 能量守恒定律是时间的对称性改变的结果。