- symbiotic mixed culture 共生混合培养
- W: Yes, that's the beauty of living in a mixed culture. 是的,这正是生活在文化交融之中的好处。
- Mixed culture of MTBE degrader was successfully isolated under aerobic condition using different acclimation patterns. 应用不同的驯化方式以MTBE为惟一碳源,在好氧的条件下,驯化、筛选出高效降解混合菌株,为现场应用打好基础。
- The ability to degrade MTBE of mixed culture has been compared to that of the monoculture,the result indicated... 结果表明,混合菌株的降解效果要明显高于单一菌株。
- Conclusion:Mixed culture of human epidermic cell can be a good way for those patients in serious burn injury. 结论:该方法简单易行,为缺乏皮源的烧伤病人提供了一个可用的方法。
- The coloration of IPE cells stained by CFSE lasted 4 weeks. There was no leakage of dye from labeled rabbit IPE cells to non-labeled human IPE cells in mixed culture process. 流式细胞仪和荧光显微镜观察结果显示,CFSE对IPE细胞染色可持续4周以上,未发生染料渗漏或转染其它细胞,且此浓度的CFSE不影响细胞的性状。
- In this experiment, the mixed culture of Str. thermophiltis and Lb. bulgaricus was cultivated with continuous transfers. 本实验利用嗜热链球菌与保加利亚乳杆菌混合菌种进行连续继代培养。
- The effect of Candida on cellulase and amylase activities of Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus fumigatus in soild fermentation was studied by mixed culture. 采用混合培养法,研究了假丝酵母对黑曲霉和烟曲霉固态发酵中纤维素酶及淀粉酶活性的影响。
- The applications of microbial cell immobilization, enzymatic catalysis in nonaqueous solvents and mixed culture in pharmaceutical industry were highlighted. 同时也介绍了固定化微生物细胞、非水溶液中酶催化反应及混合发酵等微生物转化技术在制药工业中的应用。
- The latest research indicated that mixed culture of monascus coupl ed with lactobacillus,mi-crozyme and other epiphyte would increase the outpu t of red starter coloring matter. 有研究表明,红曲霉与乳酸菌、酵母菌或其他真菌混合培养,有利于提高红曲色素产量。红曲的应用领域也越来越广泛,不仅可用于白酒的增香、黄酒的提质,还可用于食品、医药等行业。
- The effect was studied by mixed culture on adding some inorganic nitrogen and inoculation about feeding protein content of fresh pomace with sterilization and without sterilition. 采用混合培养法研究接菌、加氮对未灭菌和灭菌鲜苹果渣发酵生产饲料蛋白的影响。
- DSCs and CTB were in vitro co-cultured and mixed cultured directly on Transwell-Col Insert cell culture plate. 在Transwell-ColInsert细胞培养板内进行蜕膜细胞与滋养细胞体外共培养及直接混合培养。
- This problem was successfully solved by the mixed culture fermentation of Bacillus megaterium G-6 and Azotobacter chroococcum G-3. Combined with the fed-batch culture, The CDW and PHA yield could reach 47.8g/L and 38.2g/L. 结合间歇流加补料技术,CDW和PHA产量分别可达47.;8g/L和38
- Jianquan Shen, Yuyou Li,and Tatsuya Noike; Hydrogen fermentation of wastewaters with various carbohydrate by an anaerobic mixed culture, Nippon dobokugakayi lunbunxyu, 552, 23-31, 1996. 沈建权,刘光臻,华扬,陈申,沈涛;植物秸秆生物制氢发酵液的制备方法;专利申请号:01140458.;2
- Jianquan Shen, Yuyou Li,and Tatsuya Noike, Hydrogen fermentation of wastewaters with various carbohydrate by an anaerobic mixed culture, Nippon dobokugakayi lunbunxyu, 552, 23-31, 1996. 沈建权,糖类、蛋白质、有机酸生物制氢发酵液的制备方法,发明专利申请号:00108095.;4。
- The paper discusses the selection of basis culture and propagation factors on mixed cultures of S.thermophilus and L.bulgaricus. 研究了嗜热链球菌和保加利亚乳杆菌混合菌株培养时,其基础培养基的选择和增殖因子的筛选。
- Because Japan is a Shinto, Shinto animism is a more complex, and Buddhism, Confucianism mixed culture, resulting in a Japanese native religion, she formed in the 7th century AD after the Nara period. 因为日本是一个神道教的国家,神道教是一种万物有灵的比较复杂的、和佛教、儒教文化相混合,产生的一种日本本土宗教,她形成于公元7世纪以后的奈良时期。
- Don't mix up this pair of synonyms. 别把这两个近义词混淆了。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- He has mixed with crowd together but has not found. 他已同人群混杂在一起而找不到了。