- syllabic compandor 音节压缩扩展器
- "N" is a syllabic consonant in "button". 在button这个词里n是构成音节的辅音。
- Syllabic characters each represent a syllable. 每个音符代表一个音节。
- Since 出售 is disyllabic, its syllabic collocation is different. “出售”是双音节词,因此在音节搭配上也有特殊性。
- Eskimos of the eastern arctic have a system of syllabic writing. 北极东部的爱斯基摩人有一套音节书写系统。
- I heard that Kna in Japanese is a kind of syllabic language, is that so? 听说日文假名是一种音节文字,是这样吗?
- Syllabic systems like Linear B or Cherokee typically have 40 to 100 or so symbols. 象形文字系统类似于古希腊的B类线形文字,或者是切罗基文字,通常有40至100个符号。
- The Japanese developed a mixed system, partly logographic (based on the Chinese writing system) and partly syllabic. 日本人发展了这个混合文字,部分为标志图案(依据中国文字),部分为音节。
- In syllabic languages each syllable has equal importance, and therefore equal time is needed. 对这类语言来说,每个音节都同样重要,所以需要同样的时间。
- Many speakers of syllabic languages don't understand why we quickly speak, or swallow, a number of words in a sentence. 这个简单的例子说明了我们是怎样说和使用英语的。
- She is a scholar specializing in the syllabic script created by women in Jiangshui, Hunan. 她是一位专门研究女书的学者。
- This paper examines the internal evidence for the syllabic affiliation of onglides in Isbukun Bunun, a Formosan language spoken in southern Taiwan. 摘要本文检视郡社布农语语料,以厘清是否有相关音韵现象提供了对于韵核前滑音在音节内部归属的证据。
- The measured arrangement of words in poetry,as by accentual rhythm,syllabic quantity,or the number of syllables in a line. 韵律诗歌中字词的有格律的排列,如重音的韵律,音节的数量或一行内音节的总数
- In the seal test ,the correct rate of the monosyllabic words and double syllabic words and the total respectively reaches 99.69% ,92.43% and 99.47%. 封闭测试中,单音节多音词、双音节多音词及文本总的标音正确率分别为99.;69%25、92
- The measured arrangement of words in poetry, as by accentual rhythm, syllabic quantity, or the number of syllables in a line. 韵律诗歌中字词的有格律的排列,如重音的韵律,音节的数量或一行内音节的总数
- The issues of syllables and syllabification have always been the focus of syllabic theories in the current main-stream phonologies. 摘要音节以及音节化的相关问题一直是现代音系学理论关注的核心。
- These have produced distinct kinds of versification, among which the most common are quantitative, syllabic, accentual, and accentual-syllabic. 这些原则已经产生了不同类型的诗文,其中,最普通的是音长,音节,重读,重读音节。
- A high-pitched and almost syllabic music kept coming and going, moving with the breeze, blurred by the leaves and by distance. 一阵清越的乐声抑扬顿挫,随风飘荡,或近或远,穿透叶丛和距离。
- Syllable is the hierarchic natural feature of a language, and there are rules of the phonological sequences of the syllabic structure. 音节是语言的自然属性,任何一种语言都有音节结构,任何一种音节内的音位序列都是有规律的。
- How might a limited syllabic system develop into an alphabetic system?Is such a logical progression more or less inevitable?Why or why not? 一种有限制的音节系统又是如何发展为字母系统的?)