- And meanwhile, a cleaner shrimp, wiggling its tiny antennae, swims boldly towards your mouth looking for dinner between your teeth. 而一只细小的医生虾,则大胆地游进你的口中,准备分享你牙缝中的晚餐。
- He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他对自己的失败装出一副满不在乎的样子。
- By perseverance the lame boy learned to swim. 靠毅力这跛童学会了游泳。
- The headwords in this dictionary are in bold type. 本词典的词条用的是粗体字。
- He can swim breaststroke, backstroke and crawl. 他会游蛙泳、仰泳和自由泳。
- May I be so bold as to ask how old you are? 可否冒昧问一下您多大年纪?
- She had to swim against the current. 她必须逆著水流往上游。
- She's teaching the children to swim. 她正在教孩子们游泳。
- These little boys swim naked in the river. 这些小孩光着身子在河里游泳。
- Once he made bold to air his views. 有一次他大胆提出了自己的看法。
- Have you been given leave to swim here? 你在这儿游泳得到了许可吗?
- I used to swim all the year round. 过去我一年四季都游泳。
- He went down to the beach for a swim. 他去海滩游泳了。
- He is a bold thinker, with lots of original ideas. 他是个敢于思考的人,富有创新观点。
- The warm weather tempted us into going for a swim. 暖和的天气诱使我们去游泳。
- He drew on his bold imagination in composing music. 他凭借自由驰骋的想像力作曲。
- His drawings were done in a few bold lines. 他的画以几笔粗线挥就。
- We couldn't swim the tide was too far out. 我们不能游泳了--潮水退得太远了。
- He is bold enough to tilt at social injustices. 他敢于抨击社会上的不公正现象。
- She was hurt by his bold remark. 她被他唐突无礼的话所伤害。