- a swift and fierce attack; a quick and powerful attack 攻势凌厉
- swift and fierce attack 凌厉的攻势
- a swift and fierce attack 攻势凌厉
- His heroic swift and fierce dancing, soul sound of fear, with a heavy Yanzhao antiquity. 其舞姿剽悍壮烈,声慑魂魄,具有浓重的燕赵古风。
- Swift and fierce gesture,rare block,imposing and elegant,regular body__What a good Dao!Pity lack of closeup of block,expecting to have a look. 刀姿凌厉,刀挡罕见,气势激越而不失雍容,刀体规整却不乏跌宕__真乃好刀也!惜无刀挡细图,盼一观
- Right forepaw raised high, and left forelegs stand straight ,dynamic, full of show horses of the Tang Dynasty majestic swift and fierce. 双耳直竖,额鬃两分,双目圆睁,作嘶鸣状。
- Raised the forehoof, stand straight and dynamic, full of show horses of the Tang Dynasty majestic swift and fierce, with a very high appreciation of the value of the collection. 前蹄高抬,劲健挺立,动感十足,充分展现唐代战马的剽悍雄姿。
- The automobile body side's line is very swift and fierce, the waist line is hale and hearty, but inclines upwardly slightly, individual one kind momentarily forward dives feeling. 车身侧面的线条很凌厉,腰线硬朗而略微向上倾斜,个人一种随时向前俯冲的感觉。
- Friend made it are the most ferocious dogs were swift and fierce, and in physical stature, people up to half the highest in the livestock, it is the only make cruel vicious wolf are afraid of animals. 朋友言它是犬类中最凶猛剽悍者,且伟岸,可达半人之高,在家畜中,它是惟一能使凶狠残忍的狼都惧怕的动物。
- In barbeque, many families sitting together, eats Walter Lin features roast chicken, while others indicate swift and fierce owners in the first Malaysian former high leg, or closer to, or a photo. 在烧烤场,不少家庭围坐一起,品尝陈家林特色烧鸡,而另一些业主则在俊朗剽悍的高头大马前流连忘返,或细细欣赏,或合影拍照。
- They seized the chance and mounted a fierce attack. 他们抓住这个机会,发起了猛烈进攻。
- The army made a stand against the fierce attack. 部队抵抗敌人猛烈的进攻。
- The attack is so fast and fierce, virtually no one survives. 它们的攻击快速凶残,几乎无人能幸存。
- The new Warlord which governed Guangxi at that time did not "see off" the Red Army when it passed the northern Guilin, but conducted cruel and fierce attacks on the soldiers instead. 新桂系军阀对长征路过桂北地区的中央红军,并不是好心地“送客”,而是采取了非常恶毒的军事“攻击”行动。
- The president promised swift and effective retribution against the terrorists. 总统答应会迅速有效地惩罚恐怖分子。
- The enemy's fierce attack finally breached the wall. 敌人猛烈进攻,终於攻破城墙。
- You see,his landing is both swift and sure. 你看,他的落地又快又稳。
- We launched a fierce attack on the enemy. 我们向敌人发起猛烈攻击。
- Swift and stately she moved away through the dusk. 她迅速而庄严地从暮色中离去。
- They face a rough world and fierce competition. 他们面对着残酷的世界和激烈的竞争。