- If God gives you a lemon, the one thing you can do is making the lemon to be a sweet lemon juice. 如果上帝给你一个酸柠檬;你能做的就是把它变成一杯甜柠檬汁.
- Lemon tastes a lot different, I think it is slightly sweet lemon to eat the best. 柠檬的口味也有很多不同,我认为微微有一点甜的柠檬最好吃。
- Dietary fiber, Beneficial bacteria, Magnesium Citrate, Certified organic Natural Sweet Lemon Flavor. 食用纤维、肠道益菌、果酸镁、有机天然甜柠檬香味。
- The objective was to show the characters which make Chilean chardonnay so outstanding. Ripe sweet lemon, being full bodied and well structured, yet very approachable. 这款酒着重表现了霞多丽所具备的杰出特点。成熟的柠檬果味,饱满的酒体以及完美的构架,但同时又非常的平易近人,易于接受。
- The fragrance of sweet lemon can make the person alleviates the psychological pressure that creates by external environment, dissolve care to consider worry. 香柠檬的香味则可使人缓解由外部环境造成的心理压力,化解忧思忧虑。
- When love start to sprout, the complicated feeling will be like eating a sour, sweet lemon flavor sweets. 爱情开始萌芽,患得患失的心情就像吃着柠檬口味的糖果般又酸又甜。
- The relaxed sweet smell with the sweet orange such as citric, sweet lemon; 柠檬、香柠檬等柑橘香的清爽香气;
- Custard is a kind of sweet sauce. 软冻是一种甜食。
- Sweet fancies flitted through his mind. 甜蜜的幻想掠过他的脑际。
- There is a lemon tree in our garden. 我们的花园里有一棵柠檬树。
- The lemon juice set his teeth on edge. 柠檬汁把他的牙齿都酸倒了。
- I gave him a sweet one on the head. 我狠狠地打了一下他的头。
- It was sweet and thoughtful of you to think of it. 你们真好,为我想得那么周到。
- One can faintly discern the flavour of lemon. 可以隐约觉得有一点柠檬味。
- Henry's note to his father was short and sweet. 亨利写给父亲的信简明扼要。
- Please put all your sweet wrappers in the bin. 请把你们的糖纸都放进垃圾箱里去。
- The taste of the lemon made her screw up her face. 柠檬把她酸得龇牙咧嘴。
- He took a mouthful of sweet country air. 他吸一口清香的乡村空气。
- Our opportunities of meeting are short and sweet. 我们的会面是短暂的,但却是愉快的。
- The fish was garnished with slices of lemon. 那盆鱼上配了几片柠檬作为装饰。