- The hotel gardens sweep down to the beach. 旅馆的花园呈缓坡一直延伸到海滩。
- The hills sweep down to the sea. 山峦蜿蜒至海
- Great tongues of cold air at times sweep down over North America. 巨大的冷空气“舌”常常侵袭北美。
- Through the long winter months the winds of the North Sea sweep down upon it, bowing the trees before them. 北海的风在漫长的冬季一直往这里刮,把树木都刮得弯下了腰。
- Fertile soil was swept down into the river. 肥沃的土壤都给冲到河里去了。
- A strong gale swept down on the atlantic coast. 狂风突然猛袭大西洋海岸。
- A torrentof water swept down the valley. 一股洪流冲下山谷。
- The pirates swept down on the town. 海盗猛烈袭击那座小城。
- The cavalry swept down on the enemy. 骑兵队突袭敌人。
- Clouds swept down and hung over the countryside. 云急速下降笼罩着乡间。
- The enemy swept down on the town. 敌人袭击该镇。
- A torrent of water swept down the valley. 一股洪流冲下山谷。
- The hands reach up either to the right or left of the body and the fingers move or wiggle like falling water as the hands sweep down to waist level. 双手伸出,一只向身体的右边一只向身体的左边,当双手向下经过腰部手指动起来或摆动像水落下。
- The Furies sweep down upon these hapless beings and devour them, before scattering in fear at the approach of more powerful Daemons seeking the energy of the soul swarms. 原意是说这些灵魂会被那些超强恶魔“吓”的魂飞魄散,中文太差2句连起来找不到合适的方法表达啊。残念。。
- Wild fields, thickly hedged against the marauding east wind, sweep down to the broad River Deben corncockle blue in summer and gray and lumpy as flints in winter. 茂密的林带挡住了肆虐的东风,广袤的田野一直铺到黛本河边。河面宽阔,夏日的流水如麦仙翁花般湛蓝,冬天的波澜又如铅石般凝重。
- Despair suddenly swept down upon her, overpoweringly. 一阵绝望突然以压倒的威力朝她猛袭过来。
- They have swept down the house from attic to cellar. 他们已把那幢房从屋顶楼到地下室全部打扫过了。
- Sometimes mountain torrents swept down, flooding the fields. 有时山洪暴发,淹没农田。
- The gray wind of December is sweeping down the overhung of the roof. 十二月的阴沉沉的风顺着房顶吹下来。
- Don't leave her alone to sweep up after the party. 宴会结束后别让她一个人打扫清洁。