- I have cold hands, is not the swab swab eyes of tears, does not let you sad? 而我冰冷的手,是不是该拭拭眼角的泪,不让您伤心?
- The crew were orderd to swab down the decks. 船员们奉命擦洗甲板。
- You provide swabs for yourselves. 请自备棉签。
- Swab up water that has been upset on the floor. 用拖把把撒在地上的水拖掉。
- Loose your fist and put the swab on for 15 minutes. 请松开手,用棉签按压15分钟。
- Dip a cotton swab into "91%" alcohol. (用棉棒蘸取91%25异丙醇。)
- Use cotton-tipped swab for tiny dirt. 用棉花棒把微细的污垢去掉。
- Administer the salve to the sunburned area with a cotton swab. 请用棉药签把药膏敷在晒伤的地方。
- Every morning the sailors had to swab down the floor of the ship. 水手们每天都必须彻底冲洗甲板。
- We're under attack! Avast ya swabs! Repel the invaders! 我们正在被攻击!你蠢人站住!击退侵略者!
- Or you may have items like cotton swabs and cotton balls. 或是你可以利用它们来当搽台布或棉签?
- Use cotton swabs to dust between keys on computer keyboards. 棉花棒可以清洁电脑键盘的按键缝隙,
- Recommend a kind of way that swabs with degenerative milk. 推荐一种用变质牛奶擦洗的办法。
- Administer the salve to the sunburned area with a cotton swab . 请用棉药签把药膏敷在晒伤的地方。
- A keen artist, Cao uses a cotton swab instead of a paint brush. 一位热衷艺术的艺术家,曹庆用棉花棒代替画笔作画。
- A: Yep. Put pressure on this cotton swab for two minutes. 嗯。拿着棉花压两分钟就好。
- If bilge is harder, can use the cloth on toothpick bag to swab. 若是污垢比较硬,可以使用牙签包上布来擦洗。
- But you can use a swab or cloth to clean the outer part of the ear. 但是你可以用棉签或者布把你耳朵外面的部分擦干净。
- Methods By routine bacterial culture of pharyngo swab. 方法:咽拭子常规细菌学培养。
- Midwives also collected other swab samples from the women. 助产士也收集样品。