- Studies on Increasing Ginkgolides Synthesized in Suspension Cell Culture of Ginkgo biloba L. 提高银杏悬浮培养细胞内酯合成的研究。
- Embryogenic suspension cell is ideal material of protoplast culture of gramineous plants. 胚性悬浮细胞是禾谷类作物原生质体培养的理想材料。
- The establishment of callus culture system and the suspension cell culture system of Syringa pubescens Turcz. 建立了小叶丁香的愈伤组织培养体系和悬浮细胞培养体系
- Transcription activation expression vector (pAHC25ABP9) and reporter vector (pIGA) were co-transformed into Maize suspension cells by biolistic method. 以玉米悬浮细胞为受体材料,通过基因枪转化法将体内转录激活表达载体和报告质粒载体进行共转化。 实验结果证明ABP9能够与ABRE结合并启动下游报
- After this, the AL4 elicitor concentration and handling time were optimized for improving the essential oil yield in suspension cells of A. lancea. 此后以茅苍术悬浮细胞挥发油产量为指标,优化了内生真菌AL4诱导子添加浓度和诱导子诱导时间这二个因素。
- The aim of this study was to summarize the influence factors on inducing callus and suspension cell culture. 摘要综述了植物愈伤组织诱导以及悬浮细胞培养的影响因素。
- The cell suspension cultures were established from friable calli.As a result,we can get steady suspension cell line. 挑选适量的好的愈伤组织置于不同的液体培养基中,得到分散性好、生长快的悬浮细胞系.
- Our data showed that ROS produced from NADPH oxidase, regulated by Cu2+-induced PLD, was the main source of the ROS productions in BY-2 suspension cells under Cu2+ stress. 我们的数据显示,Cu~(2+)激活PLD参与调节的NADPH氧化酶活性升高所催化产生的活性氧是Cu~(2+)胁迫下活性氧的主要来源之一。
- During the process of PB90-induced apoptosis in tobacco suspension cells, we observered NO burst after 5 min treated with 1 nmol/LPB90 by DAF-2DA staining method. 烟草悬浮细胞经1nmol/L PB90处理后;烟草胞内发生了NO的进发;激发子PB90处理8h内;出现两个峰值;第一个峰出现在处理后0.;5h;第二个峰出现在处理后6h;且第二个峰值大于第一个峰值;
- The calli were induced from leaf fragments and the suspension cells were received by liquid culturing of the calli induced from leaf and stem fragments. 用叶片作外植体诱导出了愈伤组织;悬浮培养细胞用叶片、叶柄外植体诱导的愈伤经液体培养获得;
- Addition of glucose and glucose oxidase as the H2 O2 -generating system to rice suspension cells resulted in a steady-state production of H2O2 and induction of HR. 由葡萄糖/葡萄糖氧化酶组成的H2O2发生体系能稳定持续产生H2O2,有效地诱导HR;
- These results strongly suggested that NO and H2O2 may all act as signaling molecule to mediate AL4 elicitor promoting essential oil accumulation in suspension cells of A. lancea. 因此暗示着NO和H2O2都是介导内生真菌AL4粗诱导子促进茅苍术悬浮细胞挥发油合成的信号分子。
- The product of the cell suspension culture line was not affected by Casein hydrolysates acid、 Glutamine, Asparagine and Malt extract ,but the state of the suspension cell depended on them. 水解酪蛋白、谷氨酰胺、天冬酰胺、麦芽提取物对愈伤组织和悬浮细胞生长量的影响不太明显,但它们的加入对细胞状态的改善有一定的积极作用。
- First of all, the suspension cell line of Atractylodes lancea was established and the initial effect of two endophytic fungal elicitors on its essential oil production was studied. 为了保护和开发茅苍术资源,本研究尝试从微生物和植物生物技术等角度,研究内生真菌诱导子对茅苍术悬浮细胞挥发油积累的影响及机理。
- And the suspension bridge from hanging vines. 悬索桥受到了悬挂着的藤的启发。
- Carduus crispus L. suspension cells 飞廉悬浮细胞
- She appealed against her suspension. 她对被停职一事已经上诉。
- Suspension Cell FACS Analysis Kit 悬浮细胞流式仪分析试剂盒
- The poor suspension gives a rather bumpy ride. 因悬挂装置性能差,行驶时很颠簸。
- Human tissue is made up of cells. 人体的组织是由细胞构成的。