Twisted magnetic fields arching from the solar surface can trap ionized gas, suspending it in huge looping structures. 太阳表面的扭曲磁场能够捕捉到离子化气体,以巨大的环状结构悬浮着。
According to this curve the mount principles of the eddy-current sensor and the test plan of the suspending characteristics about the surface motor are proposed. 根据电涡流传感器的静态特性,提出了电涡流传感器在表面电机上的安装原则和表面电机悬浮特性试验的试验方法。
A light duty wire chain for such uses as suspending flowerpots, scales, children's toys and electrical light fixtures. 阿轻型丝链等用途暂停花盆,规模,儿童玩具和电器灯具。
HUD said relief could include, for example, suspending or reducing mortgage payments long enough to allow a borrower to catch up on missed payments. 住房及城市发展部说,救助可能包括在足够长的时间内暂停或减少抵押贷款还款,以便让贷款人能补上逾期未还的贷款。