- construction surveying control network 施工控制网
- surveying control network about height & plane 平高控制网
- Research on Accuracy and Reliability of RTK in City Surveying Control Network RTK在城市控制网应用中精确性和可靠性研究
- The survey control networks provide the essential reference points for all types of land and engineering surveys. 测量控制网络为各类土地及工程测量提供必需的参考点。
- Advantage of the Integration Adjustment in Establishing Modern Surveying Control Network 整体平差法在现代测量控制网建立中的技术优势
- The Design of the Survey Control Network for CSR 冷却储存环工程测量控制网的设计
- installation survey control network 安装测量控制网
- surveying control network 测量控制网
- How to Control Network Legal Users? 如何控制网络合法使用者?
- The Project Survey Control Network Coordinates System Choice in Plateau Area 高原地区工测控制网坐标系统的选择
- The measurement result shows this GPS control network has excellent accuracy and can meet the demand of topographic surveying, engineering surveying and land planning. 实测结果表明,该全球定位系统控制网具有良好的精度,满足了学校地形测量、工程测量和土地规划发展的需要。
- It's a set of automated rules that control network congestion. 这是一组控制网络拥挤程度的自动规则。
- Greek hospitals. CICNet Cretan Infection Control Network[J ] . 文细毛;任南;徐秀华;等.;全国医院感染监控网医院感染病原
- Practices on rebuilding of underground mine survey control network in Chengzhuang Mine 成庄矿井下测量控制网改造
- The paper introduces first the status and prospects of GPS satellite geodetic works in China, then, discusses the principles of the control network setting and the selection of surveying points, and finally, the fieldwork and data processing. 本文阐述了我国GPS卫星大地测量的现状和展望。 然后分别讨论GPS卫星控制网的布网原则和选点要求,GPS卫星测量的外业工作和数据处理。
- Better control network: tight monetary policy can deter market fluctuate? 网络时评:紧缩货币政策能否震慑楼市疯涨?
- The Application of AVR ATmega161 in Embedded Measure %26 Control Network. 161在嵌入式测控网络中的应用研究。
- Rate limiting is a traffic-policing tool used to control network congestion. 速率限制是一个用来控制网络拥塞的流量管制工具。
- In the segment precasting, cantilever erection and bridge deck construction during the PAKSEY bridge construction, the precise surveying control results in the minimum error between the bridge deck line and the designed line. 摘要在PAKSEY大桥的施工过程中,对节段梁的预制、节段梁的悬臂拼装以及桥面体系的施工进行了精密的测量控制,从而使桥面线形与设计线形的误差最小。
- Better control network : tight monetary policy can deter market fluctuate? 网络时评:紧缩货币政策能否震慑楼市疯涨?