- European survey respondents (10%) most commonly named Italy as the country that cheats the most in business. 接受调查的欧洲人(10%25)大多认为,意大利是在商业交往中最缺乏诚信的国家;
- Self-identified “frequent” buyers of store brands totaled 41% of survey respondents. ?自我确定“经常”购买商店品牌达41 %25的受访者。
- When asked which country cheats the most in business dealings, 7% of total survey respondents said Russia, the highest level in the survey. 当被问及哪个国家的商业欺诈行为最多时,所有受访者中有7%25认为是俄罗斯,这一比例在调查中居于首位;
- More than half of the survey respondents said tight credit conditions are hurting their businesses, prompting them to defer some spending. 超过一半的受访者表示,信贷紧缩损害了他们的业务,促使他们推迟了一些开支。
- The most popular method of finding workers among GAM survey respondents was placing print advertisements in newspapers or trade publications (41%). 最流行的方法,找到工人自由亚齐运动之间的受访者是把打印在报章刊登广告或贸易刊物( 41 %25 ) 。
- The third, probes the qualitative data further for insights arising from the subjective experience of the art and design &technology teachers who were the survey respondents. 第三部份则进一步探讨质性研究资料,以求洞察被研究者(含美术与设计/科技教师)之主观经验。
- The computed WTP indicates, on average, that the survey respondents are willing to pay a 35.1% premium in order to consume ecotourism certification product. 计算所得的WTP表明,平均而言,旅游消费者愿意支付比未认证的生态旅游产品高35.;1%25的价格来购买通过认证的生态旅游产品。
- Since the agency could support its findings by weaker evidence-or even by applying its expertise to the text of the advertisements-it would be pointless to require that each of the survey respondents be made available for cross-examination. 鉴于行政机关可以依赖不太有力的证据、甚至是应用其专长来解释广告内容以支持其事实认定,若要求每个传闻调查被告必须出庭接受反诘问是毫无意义的。
- Lotteries should use the Internet and mobile phones to communicate with players more than they do. To which survey respondents answered and respond a hardy, "Right-on Dude" and 87% approval. 关于这个问题被调查者们认为这是一个勇敢的、“入时的花花公子”,其中87%25同意?
- The warning from fitness experts to warm up and cool down had failed to reach the masses with only 38 per cent of survey respondents saying they regularly completed pre and post sport regimes. 大部分人没有注意到健身专家的告诫,要进行热身和放松运动,只有38%25的被调查者说他们通常在运动前后完成热身和整理运动。
- Using Siyu community, Penghu as a case study, this research employs quota sampling with personal interview to survey respondents at each village.Totally 216 respondents are surveyed. 本研究以澎湖县西屿社区为个案研究,以分区配额并配合人员访谈方式,到各村收集问卷,共得到问卷216份。
- Make sure that the Value field is set to False for both controls so that one of the options isn't selected by default for the survey respondent. 确保将两个控件的“值”字段都设置为False,这样,其中的一个选项才不会在默认情况下被选为调查问题。
- It was difficult to gauge how people would respond. 大家的反应如何难以估计。
- This survey is the work of a real professional. 这份调查是真正内行人做的。
- He failed to respond to the medicine. 他服了这药未见起色。
- Cargo survey and find below standard filing claim. 货品检验后发现不合标准,故请求索赔。
- They were prompt to respond to our call for help. 他们对我们的求助迅即回应。
- The survey covered a broad spectrum of topic. 这本简史涉及的话题范围很广。
- I invited her to dinner but she did not respond. 我请她吃晚饭,但她未作回答。
- The capacity to respond to stimuli. 反应力对刺激的反应能力