- The survey on status quo of commercial sporting tournament in Shanghai 上海市体育商业赛事运作现状调查
- The Survey on Status Quo of Prevention and Protective in the Production and Use of Man-made Mineral Wools in China 我国人造矿物棉安全防护现状与建议
- Survey on Status Quo of Knowledge About and Behaviors of AIDS Prevention and Control of Unlicensed Prostitutes in the Entertainment Establishments in the City of Lishui 丽水市娱乐服务场所暗娼艾滋病防治知识及行为现状调查
- survey on status quo 现状调查
- Study on Status Quo and Countermeasure of Road Traffic Safety Based on Accident Stat. 基于事故统计的道路交通安全现状及对策研究。
- Finally, it made some discussions on status quo and trend of the accounting function orientation of military hsopital economic management. 并从意识理念、组织层级、职能提升、人员素质和技术方法等方面对军队医院经济管理科管理会计职能定位做出了思考与展望。
- A Survey on the Status Quo of Chinese Community Health Service 全国社区卫生服务现状调查
- An Analysis is given on status quo on Beijing-Shanghai railway, plans of building a special high-speed passenger line and a target value for maximum speed as a reference for deepgoing research. 文中分析了京沪铁路现状、修建京沪高速客运专线方案、最高速度目标值等,可供深入研究时参考。
- A Survey on the Status Quo of High School Students'Reading Stories by Lu Xun 当前高中生鲁迅小说阅读情况的调查分析
- A Survey on the Status Quo of the Aerobic in the Commercial Gyms in Wenzhou 温州经营性健身场所有氧健身操开展状况调查
- The survey on the learning status quo of students in Secondary VTE schools 中等职业学校学生学习现状的调查
- Analysis on Status Quo of Data Quality of HIS 医院信息系统数据质量现况分析
- We have done a market survey on this product. 我们已经对这种产品做了市场调查。
- We are doing a survey on smoker'habit. 我们在作一个吸烟者习惯的调查。
- On Status Quo and Prospect of English Teaching in Guangxi 广西英语教学的现状与展望
- We are do a survey on smoker' habit. 我们在作一个吸烟者习惯的调查。
- On status quo and strategic development of rice industry in China 我国稻米产业形势与发展对策
- We are doing a survey on smoker ' habit . 我们在作一个吸烟者习惯的调查。
- The status quo is seen as untenable. 维持其现状的观点看来是站不住脚的。