- We conducted a market survey in July. 我们在七月作了一项市场调查。
- Pupils make this survey in groups. 学生以小组的形式进行本项调查。
- Source: National Nutrition Sampling Survey in 1992. 资料来源:1992年全国营养抽样调查。
- survey in coalmine 煤矿测量
- Survey in Customs ClauseIncluding the Survey in Customs Clause. 海关检验条款。
- The scientists hope to do a national sediment survey in the future. 这些科学家希望能在未来做一次全国沉淀物的调查。
- Based on the questionnaire survey on managers and workers in coalmine, their cognitions in controlling workers' unsafe behavior and their cognitive diversi. 通过对煤矿管理者和员工的问卷调查和研究,实证地分析了管理者和员工对不安全行为控制问题的认识,及其在该问题上的认识差异。
- The relation among job satisfaction, stress level and self-efficacy of safety staff in coalmine was investigated by a questionnaire survey conducted to 43 employees in a state-owned coalmine. 摘要运用问卷法,以43名国有煤矿安全从业人员为研究对象,探讨了在煤矿这一特定环境下的工作人员其工作满意感、应激水平和自我效能感的关系。
- The Application of the Surveyor in Removable Partial Dentures. 观测器在可摘局部义齿修复中的临床应用调查。
- Note: Data of forest resources was taken from surveys in 2000. 注:林木资源数据为2000年调查数。
- The structure, function and process of identification of safety information management in coalmine are analyzed. 同时对煤矿安全信息管理系统的结构、功能以及辨识程序进行了分析。
- It has theoretical significance and pratical value in perfecting the safety management in coalmine. 这对完善安全管理提高煤矿管理水平具有理论意义和实用价值。
- Due to its sparkles, low pressure needed, and easy-to-operate, DIA jet will be widely applied in safe cutting in coalmine. 前混合磨料射流具有切割各种材料无火花、所需设备压力低以及操作简单等优点,具有广泛应用井下安全切割的功能。
- The author discussed ecotoxicology of terrestrial wildlife and selected risk receptor and ecological endpoint in coalmine area. 系统地讨论了陆生受体生态毒理学的研究,筛选出矿区生态风险受体以及评价终点。
- Set up the math model for optimum selection on the design of power supply in coalmine,and illustrated advantages of it by example. 建立了煤矿供电方案选择的数学模型。通过实例说明了人工神经网络应用于煤矿供电设计方案选择的优越性。
- Teens rated Hilfiger jeans as their number one brand in a survey in 2000. 在2000年的青少年民调中指出海肥哥牛仔裤是他们的第一品牌。
- A survey in 2007 found a third of plantation employees live in poverty. 据2007年调查显示,三分之一的种植园工人生活贫困。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- The text summarized the study survey in rDNA-IGS by PCR-RFLP and gene sequence. 本文综述了PCR:RFLP技术、测序技术在真菌核糖体基因间隔区段的研究概况。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。