- To be precise, if you embed a compact Hausdorff space K in an arbitrary Hausdorff space X, then K will always be a closed subset of X;the "surrounding space" does not matter here. 精确地说,将紧致的豪斯多夫空间 K 放在任意豪斯多夫空间 X 中,K 总是 X 的一个闭合子集;
- A heating device consisting of a series of connected pipes, typically inside an upright metal structure, through which steam or hot water is circulated so as to radiate heat into the surrounding space. 散热器一种由一系列连接的管道组成的加热器,尤用于直立的金属结构内,蒸汽或热水在其内部循环以向周围空间释放热量
- Zhongtai Hotel, located in Zhongtai Mansion, has 30 thousand sq.m. of building area, good location conditions, wide surrounding space, and eyeshot there may reach as long as the Yangtze River and Nanjing Olympic Sports Center. 位于中泰大厦内的中泰酒店建筑面积为3万平方米,区位条件优越,周围地势开阔,景观视野可远达长江和奥体中心。
- Environs for meteorological observation mean the minimum surrounding space away from any interference, a space that is essential for ensured acquisition of accurate meteorological observation information by means of observation facilities. (三)气象探测环境,是指为避开各种干扰保证气象探测设施准确获得气象探测信息所必需的最小距离构成的环境空间。
- You should note that surrounding spaces are not included with an individual line when it is stored or retrieved. 您应该注意,当存储和检索单独的行时,该行周围的空白并不与该行一起存储或检索。
- Gradually the surrounding farmland turned residential. 周围的农田渐渐变成了住宅区。
- Tell that joker to stop using my parking space. 叫那个家伙不要占用我的停车场。
- There is plenty of space here to move about. 这里有很大的活动空间。
- The hype surrounding the murder trial. 围绕谋杀案审判法庭的骚乱
- We're a bit cramped for space in this attic. 在这间阁楼里我们有点活动不开。
- The surrounding country is a wilderness of sand. 周围是茫茫一片砂石地。
- There isn't much space left for your luggage. 剩下的地方不太够你放行李的。
- It's easier for small car to find a parking space. 小型汽车比较容易找到停车空地。
- A deep yard surrounding the house. 宽阔的庭院围绕着那所房子
- An unbroken view of an entire surrounding area. 全景包括周围所有区域的全部画景
- The hotel has garage space for thirty cars. 这家饭店有停放30辆小汽车的车位。
- The scene is laid in a forest surrounding a mysterious castle. 故事发生在森林深处一个神秘的城堡里。
- There isn't enough space for my address. 我写地址的地方不够。
- Space rockets are being sent up all the time. 现在随时都有火箭发射。
- The neighborhood or surrounding area; the environs. 附近相邻或周围地区; 附近地区