- "Why can't I find a surrogate mom to have a baby who would liven up my marriage and my whole life? “经过两周的等待与煎熬,凯特、安德鲁和我在伦敦市中心的咖啡厅接到电话,得知凯特怀孕。
- "Why can't I find a surrogate mom to have a baby who would liven up my marriage and my whole life?" one client of AA69, surnamed Feng, said. “经过两周的等待与煎熬,凯特、安德鲁和我在伦敦市中心的咖啡厅接到电话,得知凯特怀孕。大家一时热泪盈眶。”菲奥纳说。
- Fiction is a poor surrogate for real experience. 小说中的事远逊于实际体验。
- Mom and dad never see eye to eye on anything. 妈和爸从来没有对任何一件事有一致的看法。
- Be careful, Mom is in a snappy mood today. 小心,妈今天的脾气不好。
- surrogate mom 代理孕母; 代孕母亲
- Everything is going peachy here, dad. How are you and mom? 爸爸,这里一切都很好,你和母亲好吗?
- Mom has been on the run all week preparing for Tom's wedding. 母亲为准备汤姆的婚礼已经马不停蹄忙了整整一星期。
- I'm plenty hungry. Please give me something to eat, Mom. 我很饿,妈妈,请给我点吃的。
- My mom's encouragement determined me to go on with my study. 我母亲的鼓励使我决心继续学业。
- Dad told us to sit tight while he went back to find Mom. 爸回去找妈的时候,他要我们耐心等待。
- By the way, I miss Mom's Peking roast duck and spring roll very much! 还有,我非常想吃妈妈做的北京烤鸭和春卷。
- She saw him as a sort of surrogate father. 在她心目中,他仿佛是能替代父亲角色的人。
- Cannot be used as a Boolean surrogate. 不能用作布尔型代理项。
- The price list wakened Mom from her dreams of owning a house in the suburb. 报价单使母亲意识到不可能在郊区买房子了。
- To the surrogate selector chain. 添加到代理项选择器链。
- Matches one half of a surrogate pair. 匹配代理项对的一半。
- You can use them to implement the surrogate key. 您可以使用这些方法来实现代理键。
- My mom has not pumped gas in over two decades. 我妈妈自己不去加油都已经20年了。
- The low surrogate of the input pair. 输入对的低代理项。