- An inflow of capital is a surplus. 资本的输入是一项顺差。
- That country has a large surplus of food. 那个国家有很多剩余食粮。
- Mexico has a large surplus of oil. 墨西哥有大量过剩的石油。
- We have a trade surplus of 400 million. 我们有 4 亿英镑的贸易顺差。
- Brazil has a big surplus of coffee. 巴西有很多剩余咖啡。
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。
- A decision of capital importance. 一个头等重要的决定
- India had a large surplus of wheat in 1985. 1985年印度的小麦有大量的富余。
- The enemy had a surplus of refining capacity. 敌人的炼油能力过剩。
- No surplus of accumulated purchasing power stands. 不存在聚集的购买力过剩。
- China has a trade surplus of 8 billion US dollars. 中国有80亿美元的贸易顺差。
- The main impediment to growth was a lack of capital. 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。
- Now there's a surplus of people for such jobs. 现在这些人不缺,还有多余的。
- A surplus of supply will lead to a drop in price. 供过于求将导致物价下跌。
- The bank keeps a large surplus of money in reserve. 这家银行有大量的剩余资金储备。
- Shortage of capital was a factor holding back economic development. 资金短缺是影响经济发展的一个因素。
- The accounts show a surplus of 2,000 yuan. 收支相抵, 净存两千元。
- The cause of flight of capital is the unstable political situation. 资本外逃是因为政治的不稳定。
- Have you tried pinning him down on the question of capital punishment? 你试着让他说出对实行极刑的意见了吗?
- A surplus of exports over imports will boost employment. 出口大于进口的顺差自然将提供就业。