- surplus before ruin and the deficit at ruin 破产前余额及破产时赤字
- The Moments of the Time of Ruin, the Surplus before Ruin, and the Deficit at Ruin in the Risk Models with Constant Interest Rate 常利率风险模型中破产时刻、破产前瞬时盈余和破产赤字的矩
- The Surplus before Ruin 破产前瞬时盈余
- surplus before ruin 破产前余额
- Key words Risk process, the surplus immediatly before ruin, the deficit at ruin, twice continuous differentiability, integro-differential equation. 本刊中 包含“风险过程; 破产前瞬间盈余; 破产时赤字; 连续性及二次连续可微性; 积分--微分方程.
- In this paper the joint distribution of the time of ruin, the surplus immediately before ruin, and the deficit at ruin is discussed in the compound binomial model. 摘要讨论复合二项模型中破产前一刻的盈余、破产时赤字和破产时刻的联合分布。
- We derive the expression of the distribution of the surplus immediately before ruin and the distribution of the time in the red, which describe the severity of ruin. 利用递归方法,获得了破产前盈余的分布和描述破产严重性的预普区的分布,推广了已有结果。
- Under the discrete time risk model with constant interest, SUN Li-juan and GU Lan (2002) have discussed some ruin problems which are about the distributions of the surplus immediately before ruin and the time of the severity of ruin. 孙立娟、顾岚(2002)则在具有常利息率的离散时间模型下,讨论了破产前盈余分布、破产持续时间分布的问题。
- The trinomial distribution risk model in discrete setting is explored . The probability of ultimate ruin and the probability laws of the surplus immediately before ruin are discussed with emphasis. 本文探讨了离散的三项分布风险模型;重点研究了与风险有关的最终破产概率和破产前一刻的盈余的概率律.
- distribution of the surplus before the ruin 破产前盈余分布
- distribution of the surplus immediately before ruin 破产前盈余分布
- distributon of surplus immediately before ruin 破产前瞬时的盈余分布
- surplus immedi ately before ruin 破产前的瞬时盈余额
- the surplus immediately before ruin 破产前一刻盈余
- the surplus immediatly before ruin 破产前瞬间盈余
- the distribution of surplus immediately before ruin occur 破产前瞬时盈余分布
- Operating surplus before working capital changes 营运资金变动前的经营盈馀
- the distribution of the surplus immediately before ruin occurrence 破产前盈余分布
- As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿。
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。