- surfing internet use mobile 手机上网
- Are you able to access the Internet using your mobile phone? 流动电话能存取互联网吗?
- By 2011, the three operators expect to start 3G services all over China, a move which analysts predict will spur further massive growth in mobile internet use. 三大运营商预计到2011年在全国范围内开通3G手机服务,分析人士预测,此举将进一步推动移动互联网的使用。
- That's one reason why Porsche motorsports use Mobil 1 lubricants. 这是为什么保时捷赛事使用美孚1号润滑油的原因。
- Study: Some Computer Users Cutting Back on Time Spent Surfing Internet Because of Fears. 美国互联网用户害怕身份资料遭窃,减少上网时间。
- Data shows, become user debuts and nearly 3 use mobile phone QQ. 数据显示,有近三成的用户开通并使用手机QQ。
- Internet use by the socially fearful: addiction or therapy? 社交恐惧症患者使用互联网:是成瘾还是治疗?
- The idea was to use mobile phones and the Internet to connect job seekers with employers. The young people wrote a usiness plan and formed a company called Assured Labor. 这个构想就是用移动电话和因特网来连接求职者和雇主。这些年轻人写出了商业计划并组成了一个叫做劳动确保的公司。
- Question1: do you often surf internet? What kind of website do you often get access to? 问题1:你经常上网吗?上什么类型的网站?
- I have nothing to do,repeated the same things everyday: help father manage business, surfing internet especially FB....oh! 不过真的好无聊,没有任何周详的计划,但却不想白白就过了这个假期。
- Results Reading books, surfing Internet and even watching pom videos were the main sources of getting sex knowledge in the junior college students. 大专学生的性心理和性道德发展还很脆弱,性观念趋向比较开放,性行为失范占一定比例,性教育需求迫切。
- Its goal is to use mobile communication technology to help people in need. 该组织的宗旨是利用行动通讯科技帮助有需要的人。
- What do you think of using mobile phones in class? 你怎么认为在课堂上使用手机?
- When he grew up a bit,Jia become unhappy because his parent divorced,developed into unsociable,could not find a steady job,spent a lot of time surfing internet. 及少长,父母离异,佳闷闷不乐,性情日见孤僻,无业谋生,乃终日游走网络江湖。
- A woman with womanliness takes pleasure in studying, reading papers and surfing internet often, but she doesn't madly cling to fashion magzine and the gossip news. 有女人味的女人,她乐于学习,天天看报,经常上网,但并不整天迷恋时尚杂志和八卦新闻;
- Answer: yeah, I think whoever likes surfing internet may have seen his profile twisted in all kinds of forms you can imagine. That is really funny and imaginative. 回答:当然。我觉得喜欢上网的人都看过这张你可以想象的以各种形式扭曲的小胖肖像。的确很搞笑,有想象力。
- The Hotel possesses 5 different level guestrooms, are equipped with broadband internet access which is provided for guests to surf internet at any time. 饭店拥有5种不同档次的客房,客房内安装有互联网宽带接口可供宾客随时上网。
- In France, schools are using mobile phones for exam revision. 在法国,学校利用手机来辅导学生复习,准备考试。
- IAD is a kind of aberration related with the time - length and types of Internet use. 网络成瘾失调症是一个与网络使用的时间量和特定的网络应用类型密切相关的心理异常症状。
- Key levels using mobile games with the ballots, the key attack. 游戏用上下左右键移动,用空格键攻击。