- surface reference datum 地面参考基准面
- DB000026. Dat This is the reference data queue. DB000026.;dat这是对数据队列的引用。
- The chink section of relative rest must be taken as the reference datum of shearing leakance direction. 剪切泄漏的方向应以缝隙中相对静止的断面为参照基准;
- Reference data is information published across service boundaries. 应用数据是跨越消息界限发布的信息。
- The reference data is given for multipurpose use of ash fly. 为粉煤灰的综合利用提供了参考数据。
- Methods Reference data were consulted and sorted out. 方法:广泛查阅资料,梳理信息。
- The reference data source must be a table in a SQL Server 2005 database. 引用数据源必须是SQL Server 2005数据库中的表。
- Identifiers are used to reference data objects stored in the data center. 标识符用来引用存储在数据中心中的数据对象。
- Meet two conditions to the query and reference data on another worksheet? 满足两个条件来查询并引用另一工作表的数据?
- Because there are a lot of reference data about study area and is absence of known oil-soil field to experimentation research, additionally the study area is affected by factors of complex surface landform, various lithlogy etc. . 若尔盖地区受复杂地表景观及岩性等因素的影响较大,而且没有已知油气田可供试验研究,可供参考对比的资料也很少,仅仅采用一种技术是不能断言油气信息的真实性、有效性,而是有必要采用不同指标相互补充,相互印证。
- NSRT Near Surface Reference Temperature 近表面参考温度
- Connecting to relational databases that contain reference data to perform exact or fuzzy lookups. 连接到包含引用数据的关系数据库,以执行完全查找或模糊查找。
- Partial caching, in which the transformation specifies the size of the cache that is loaded with reference data. 部分缓存,由转换指定加载引用数据的缓存的大小。
- Master Data Management is about providing this single reconciled view of reference data. Master Data Management旨在提供参考数据的单个协调的视图。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。
- There are racial differences in PBM reference data between the west Caucasian and the yellow race in Asia. 欧美白种人和亚洲黄种人不同部位PBM值存在一定差异。
- The surface of the liquid gradually crusted over. 液体表面渐渐地结了一层皮。
- A breeze ruffled the surface of the lake. 一阵微风吹皱了湖面。
- Objective: To provide reference data for the reassessment on the safety of Sheng Mei Injection. 目的为做好参麦注射液安全性再评价工作提供数据参考。
- With this you can display reference data in planning, calculate formulas, create forecasts, and more. 使用这个,可以显示计划的相关数据,计算逻辑式,登录预测等。