- The hard outer portion or surface area of bread. 面包皮面包的表面区域的硬皮
- They are found in key receptor areas of the brain. 人们发现它们位于大脑关键的接收区域。
- What effect does emphysema have on the surface area of the lungs? 肺部表面如果出现裂层有什麽影响?
- That is an area of the brain connected with emotional arousal. 大脑的该区域与情绪激发有关。
- The surface area of the lungs is roughly the same size as a tennis court. 肺脏的表面积约一个网球场大小。
- Calculate the surface area of the patch, assuming it has no microvilli. 假设没有微绒毛计算一小块的表面积。
- Calculate the surface area of the patch, assuming it does have microvilli. 假设有微绒毛计算一小块的表面积。
- Somehow hypnosis had tricked this area of the brain into registering the hallucinated voice as real. 透过某种未知的机制,催眠蒙骗了脑的这个部位,将幻听错当为真实。
- Houses are pricey in this area of the city. 城里这个地区的住房价格很高。
- The key to count surface area of the cuboid is that find the length and the breadth of each surface. 要计算长方体的表面积关键是要准确找到每个面的长和宽。
- The film show the rapidity of the change in this area of medicine. 这部电影展示了这一医学领域里的迅速变化。
- Human laughter originates in very ancient areas of the brain. 人类的笑声源自于大脑中非常深远的区域。
- The researchers believe that this area of the brain links speech sounds together to form individual words. 研究者们认为大脑的这个区域共同控制着语言和听觉中枢来形成个性化的言辞。
- The BET surface area of CA could achieve 340.1m2/g. 炭化树脂的BET比表面积可达340.;1m2/g。
- All the brain damage occurred in a region of the cerebrum known as the rhinencephalon. 所有脑部的伤害都发生在大脑部份称之为脑的地方。
- The main surface area of the Mining Models tab contains a grid with rows for each column in the mining structure. 选项卡的主界面区域包含一个网格,其中包含挖掘结构中每一列的相关行。
- He's a member of the brain trust. 他是智囊团成员之一。
- The ratio of the drag on a body moving through air to the product of the velocity and the surface area of the body. 在空气中运动的物体所受的牵引力与速度和物体表面积成绩的比。
- Earth movements in the past elevated great area of the seabed. 地球过去的运动使海底大片地区隆起。
- Experts believe that alcohol stimulates the striatum, an area of the brain that plays an important role in attraction. 专家们相信,酒精使大脑中纹状体兴奋,而这一区域对吸引力起重要作用。