- supposition of economic man 经济人假设
- The overflowing of economic man hypothesis has led to a serious moral crisis. 摘要“经济人”理念的泛化引发了严重的道德危机。
- In governance of modern company, there is the game between client and agent, both have the attribute of economic man. 在现代公司治理中,同样存在具有经济人属性的委托人与代理人之间的博弈。
- The civic nature of constitution is freedom, equality, rationality of economic man and rationality of society. 摘要宪法的市民性就是自由、平等、经济人理性和社会理性。
- Agency theory based on the hypothesis of economic man and corporate governance guided by the theory bring about lower governance efficiency. 基于经济人假设的代理理论及其指导下的企业治理实践产生了一个低效的治理效率。
- Starting from the existence of Economic Man, this article analyzes the reasons for us existence, criticizes its rampancy, and finally proposes the way for its existence. 文章从“经济人”的存在入手,分析“经济人”存在的合理性,批判“经济人”的泛化,最后提出“经济人”存在的合理方式。
- Amartya's thought is the denial of "economic man" hypothesis.It enlightens us to pay more attention to the ethic problems while discussing the economic problems. 森的发展现启示我们对经济问题的讨论中要重视伦理,是对“经济人”假设的否定和对实质自由价值的充分肯定。
- This supposition of yours might be wrong. 你这种猜想不一定正确。
- Starting from the existence of Economic Man,this article analyzes the reasons for its existence,criticizes its rampancy,and finally proposes the way for its existence. 文章从“经济人”的存在入手,分析“经济人”存在的合理性,批判“经济人”的泛化,最后提出“经济人”存在的合理方式。
- Here,it means the supposition of stopping working. 翻译应该是:如果我们停止工作会怎么样呢?
- The hypothesis of economic man is a most basic assumption prerequisite of western economics theory. “经济人假设”是西方经济学理论一个最基本的假设前提,它认为人是通过深思熟虑的权衡和计算来追求最大利益的人。
- This book treats of economic problems. 这本书探讨经济问题。
- The Savage solves it by the supposition of evil Spirits. 野蛮人的解决办法是假定有邪魔恶怪。
- Is inflation symptomatic of economic decline? 通货膨胀是经济衰退的征兆吗?
- This is the cycle of economic booms and slumps. 这是经济繁荣和经济萧条的周期变化。
- I have mastered the rudiments of economics. 我已精通经济学的基本原理。
- Rational economic man is one of the most assumptions in the field of economics,which includes three meanings as follows: self-motivated acts,rational targets and methodological individualism. 摘要“理性经济人”是现代经济学最重要的理论假设之一,其基本内涵包含自利的行为动机、理性的行为目标及方法论的个人主义三层含义。
- The government is beset with a complex array of economic problems. 政府为一系列复杂的经济问题所困扰。
- He is distinguished for his knowledge of economics. 他以经济学方面的精湛学识而著称於世。
- The main determinant of economic success is our ability to control inflation. 经济方面的成就主要取决於我们控制通货膨胀的能力。