- If only one had an unlimited supply of money! 要是财源不断就好了!
- His supply of money seems just to have run away. 他的钱款似乎刚刚用完了。
- Having an abundant supply of money;affluent. 富足的有充足的财源的;富足的
- We don't have an endless supply of money, you know. 你要知道,我们没有取之不尽的资金供给。
- Only one had an unlimited supply of money! 要是财源不断就好了!
- Having an abundant supply of money; affluent. 富足的有充足的财源的;富足的
- That man seems to have an unlimited supply of money. 那个人似乎有用不完的钱。
- The volume of economic activity was regulated by the supply of money. 经济活动范围的大小是受提供资金的多少制约的。
- Too many people regard the Social Security as a milch cow from which they can get an inexhaustible supply of money without having to work for it. 太多的人把社会福利看作是无段为之付出蔻,就可以得到源源不断金钱的财源。
- So it went on, day after day, till at last he came to the end of his small supply of money. 就这样,过了一天又一天,直到最后他带的一点钱都花光了。
- For any given supply of money M, a lower price level implies higher real money balances M/P. 对任一给定的货币供应量M,更低的价格水平意味着更高的真实货币余额M/P。
- And even if the supply of money were increased, its velocity of circulation might fall, leaving spending unaffected. 而且即使货币供应增长了,其流通速度可能下降,这样消费仍然没有变化。
- The firm's tender for the supply of timber has been accepted. 那家商号的供应木材投标已被接受。
- The demand desposits placed in banks, coupled with the fractional reserve principle, give bankers the power to alter the supply of money in the economy. 银行中的存款,加上部分储备金,使银行家有权改变经济运行中的资金投入量。
- The energy researchers at its laboratories in Schenectady, New York, enjoy much of the intellectual freedom associated with start-up firms, combined with a secure supply of money. 在纽约Schenectady,工作的能源研究人员享受新兴企业所具有的知识自由,同时还有稳定的资金供应。
- The energy researchers at its laboratories in Schenectady, New York, enjoy much of the intellectual freedomassociated with start-up firms, combined with a secure supply of money. 纽约斯克奈塔第实验室里的能源研究员们在不必发愁薪水的同时,享受着刚起步公司所拥有的智力自由。
- He personifies the worship of money. 他是拜金的化身。
- Our country has a bountiful supply of food. 我们国家有充足的食物供应。
- I had to spend a large sum of money to get it back. 我得花一大笔钱才把它弄回来。
- It takes a lot of money to buy a house. 买一所房子要花一大笔钱。