- The new supervisory authorities are also hamstrung. 但这一新成立的监管机构能力也极其有限。
- Both Prescription Drug and Nonprescription Drug have gotten the approval from national drug supervisory authorities. 处方药和非处方药不是药品本质的属性,而是管理上的界定。
- In case of need, the HKMA also contacts or holds regular meetings with other supervisory authorities to discuss matters of common interest. 如有需要,金管局亦会与其他监管机构联络或举行定期会议,以讨论共同关注的事项。
- There is obviously a need for the two supervisory authorities to work closely in view of the many developments of mutual interest taking place in their respective banking systems. 由于中港银行体系不少最新发展都是两地共同关心,两地监管当局紧密合作是很有需要的。
- It provides a very good foundation for co-operation between the two supervisory authorities as cross-border banking activities continue to grow in the years to come. 随跨境银行业务继续增长,这份文件亦为双方合作奠下了稳固的基础。
- But I am confident that market forces will assist in promoting the necessary changes, with or without the involvement of Government or the supervisory authorities. 但我相信不论有没有政府或监管当局参与,市场力量自然会推动一切必要的转变。
- He is confident that market forces will assist in promoting the necessary changes, with or without the involvement of Government or the supervisory authorities. 他表示有信心不论有没有政府或监管当局的参与,市场力量将会推动一切必要的转变。
- Attendance by anyone with supervisory authority over the author is by invitation of the author only. 对工作产品创建者具有监督权力的人只能在创建者的邀请下参加评审。
- In case the Supervisory Authority, for any reason is not able to carry out the inspection, this can be delegated to another EEA competent authority. 如果监管机构,不管是出于何种原因而不能执行检查的,可以委派另一EEA官方机构进行检查。
- If the applicant is a foreign non-bank financial institution, it shall submit the consent of its home country supervisory authority in writing. 申请人为外国非银行金融机构的,申请筹建时应提供其注册地金融监管当局出具的书面意见。
- Several Icelandic banks been put up for sale all at once and control ofthe third-largest bank has passed to the Financial Supervisory Authority. 冰岛的几家银行突然之间就沦落到挂牌拍卖的境地,而该国第三大银行的控制权已被冰岛金融监管局(FinancialSupervisoryAuthority)接手。
- Set up the provision of obligatory registration.Establish the procedure of the instauration of supervisory authority and the procedure of rescue. 建立强制注册的制度,确立内外部监督机关的设立程序,完善救济程序的规定。
- This has taken the form of a variety of formal or informal measures supported, where necessary, by supervisory authority, to regulate the outflow and inflow of funds. 具体上,这些市场按需要施行各种正式或非正式的措施,再辅以监管权力,以规管资金流入及流出。
- The entrusted entity shall, within the scope of entrustment, impose administrative penalties in the name of the entrusting safety supervisory authority. 受委托的单位在委托范围内,以委托的安全监管监察部门名义实施行政处罚。
- Jan Monkiewicz, who is former head of the Polish Insurance and Pension Supervisory Authority and now head of regulation and Supervisory Research programme, the Geneva Association. 曾任波兰保险与年金监督管理机构主席,现为日内瓦协会监管部主管。
- Where a foundation amends its charter, it shall ask its business supervisory authority for approval and report to the administrative department of registration for ratification. 基金会修改章程,应当征得其业务主管单位的同意,并报登记管理机关核准。
- State fishery administration and fishing port superintendency agencies shall exercise administrative and supervisory authority over external relations pertaining to fisheries and fishing ports. 国家渔政渔港监督管理机构对外行使渔政渔港监督管理权。
- The heroine is the spitting image of the author. 书中女主人翁是作者的真实写照。
- As to the author of the book, I will hazard a guess. 关於这本书的作者,我来试猜一下。
- The author dedicated her new book to her supportive family. 这位作家将她的新书献给支持她的家庭。