- The ship was allowed to unload cargo on the wharf. 那艘船被允许在码头上卸货。
- supertanker wharf 超级油轮码头
- We walked her to the wharf and put her aboard the ship. 我们陪她走到码头,将她安顿到船上。
- The mob riotously assembled at the ferry wharf. 暴徒在渡口骚乱地纠集在一起。
- One who owns or manages a wharf. 码头老板拥有或管理码头者
- The ship lies alongside the wharf. 那艘船停靠在码头边。
- A landing platform attached to a wharf and floating on the water. 浮台固定在码头且浮在水面上的着陆平台
- Fisherman Wharf and Seafood Cuisine Street. 渔人码头海鲜风味街。
- I hung around the wharf till it was dark. 我在码头附近一直待到天黑。
- Any indication on how she got to wharf street yet? 有没有迹象指出她是怎么到码头的那条街的啊?
- The ships are moored at the wharf. 船只都停靠在码头上。
- One who scavenges along beaches or in wharf areas. 海滨流浪汉沿海滨或码头地区捡废品的人
- The boat thumped against the wharf. 小船砰地撞到码头。
- To take to or store(cargo) on a wharf. 将(货物)卸在或堆存在码头
- The freighter slowly drew out from the wharf. 货船缓慢地驶离码头。
- The name, "supertanker", has been dropped by tanker men. “超级油轮”这个名称是油轮船员们随口叫出来的。
- But the supertanker was on a different than usual course. 只有几个西方国家正在减少废气排放的进程中,例如,英国,瑞典及法国。
- Here we are at the Fisherman's Wharf. 现在我们到了渔人码头。
- They are waiting for us on the wharf. 他们正在码头上等着我们。
- I'm sure you'll like Fisherman's Wharf. 我相信你会喜欢渔人码头的。