- supersensible sou 超感觉的心灵
- He hasn't a sou, ie He's very poor. 他穷得连一个子儿也没有.
- He hasn't a sou,ie He's very poor. 他穷得连一个子儿也没有.
- We can say "yi sou" or "yi tiao" boat. 我们可以说,一艘船或者一条船。
- Jean Valjean accepted the sou with a deep bow. 冉阿让收下这个苏,总深深地一鞠躬。
- Alive, be man of men; dead, be soul of sou... 生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。
- Do you mind if I ask sou to give me a ride home? 如果我请你送我回家,你会介意吗?)
- A: Minzcuz sou miz sawcih swhgeij lwi? 你们民族有自己的文字吗?
- Dina: Sou vegetariana.Tem algum prato vegetariano ? 我是素食者,菜单里有素菜吗?
- In our shopping arcade,you can find different kinds of sou venir. 在我们的拱廊市场,您可以发现许多纪念品。
- Nobody in that house full of gold ever save a sou lying about. 在这座堆满黄金的屋子里,谁也没有看见过一个大钱。
- Senhor(a),sou primeiro socorro da Cruz Vermelha de Macau... 先生/小姐;我系澳门红十字会的急救员...
- I had to be a gentleman, even if I didn't have a sou in my pocket. 我得摆出一副绅士派头,哪怕口袋里一个苏也没有呢。
- He hasn't a sou. 他身无分文。
- As long as there is energy, they are remote controlled supersensible organs operated by man. 机械人没有生死的困扰,只要有能源,它就是人类遥控的超级感官。
- A supersensible body believed by theosophists to coexist with and survive the death of the human physical body. 灵魂,魂魄:有神论者相信存在的超感应体,人生时与肉体共存,死时则脱离肉体独立存在
- She was living on her savings which she had got together sou by sou. 她此时的生活全靠着自己的一点积蓄,这点积蓄是一个小钱一个小钱地积起来的。
- "Good day, my good man," said Jean Valjean, resolutely, handing him a sou. “您好,老头儿。”冉阿让大着胆说,同时给了他一个苏。
- After the delivery of that sermon, it was observed that he gave a sou every Sunday to the poor old beggar-women at the door of the cathedral. 自从那次讲道以后,大家都看见他每逢星期日总拿一个苏给天主堂大门口的那几个乞讨的老婆婆。
- "Well," pursued Caderousse, "can you without expending one sou, put me in the way of getting fifteen thousand francs? “嗯,”卡德鲁斯说,“你能不花一个子儿就使我得到一万五千法郎吗?