- The mosquito is a transmitter of disease. 蚊子能传播疾病。
- superpower transmitter 超大功率发射机
- The transmitter was pulsed by an electron tube. 电子管使发射器产生脉冲波。
- This transmitter will be beamed at East Asia. 这台发射机将用於对东亚广播。
- The Superpower diplomatized the small country. 超级大国对小国施展外交手段。
- A transmitter of disease; a transmitter of tall tales. 疾病传播者; 一个散布无稽之谈的人
- Will China be the next innovation superpower? 中国将会成为未来的创新大国吗?
- That transmitter was beamed at Russia. 那台发射机曾用于对俄罗斯广播。
- At no time will China behave like a superpower. 中国决不会做超级大国。
- America, the superpower, has passed its peak. 超级大国美国,也从顶峰跌落。
- Why China will be the next Superpower! 中国为什么将是下一个超级大国!
- Any PC/server is both a transmitter and receiver. 任何一个PC机的使用者都既是传输者,也是接受者。
- The United States is a superpower in this world. 美国是当今世界的超级大国。
- Poulsen-Arc Radio Transmitter invented. 发明浦尔生电弧无线发射机。
- But China is a nascent superpower. 而中国则是一个新兴超级大国。
- Will Europe Become a Superpower? 欧洲将变成超级大国?
- At no time will China be a superpower. 中国任何时候都不做超级大国。
- As known to us all, USA is the only superpower now. 正如我们都知道的,美国是当今唯一的超级大国。
- Do not put Light Transmitter in a dishwashers. 不要把光导体放到洗碗机中。
- Fixed Code Remote Control Transmitter. 码遥控器产品。