- superior fossa of omental sac 网膜囊上隐窝
- splenic fossa of omental sac 脾隐窝
- inferior fossa of omental sac 网膜囊下隐窝
- Objective:In onder to study the value of X-ray manifestations of omental sac pneumatosis. 目的:本文报道网膜囊积气征7例,并对其X线表现和价值作了探讨。
- Objective To elevate the cognition of omental sac lesions on ultrasonographic images and to assess its significance for diagnosing the acute pancreatitis(AP). 目的提高对网膜囊病变超声表现的认识并评价其在急性胰腺炎(AP)诊断中的临床意义。
- Conclusion:Omental sac pneumatosis is an earliest X-ray manifestation of acute perforation of gastroentestine. 结论:网膜囊积气征是胃肠急性穿孔的一个最早X线征象。
- Methods A hundred and four patients with AP in which 38 cases complicated with omental sac lesions were analyzed retrospectively. 方法回顾性地分析了104例AP病例,其中,伴发网膜囊病变者38例,对网膜囊病变的类型,声像图特征,及其与胰腺超声检查结果的关系进行了研究。
- superior articular fossa of atlas 寰椎上关节凹
- The Mother Superior is the soul of compassion. 那个女修道院院长是具有同情心的典范。
- The fossa of Landzert, present in about 2% of autopsies, is recognized as inducing left paraduodenal hernia (PDH). Landzert隐窝尸检的检出率约2%25,易引起左侧十二指肠旁疝(PDH)。
- The fossa of Waldeyer, present in about 1% of autopsies, is recognized as inducing right PDH (22). Waldeyer隐窝的尸检检出率约1%25,易引起右侧PDH。
- Objective To report 6 pediatric cases of omental cystic lymphangioma and discuss the diagnosis and treatment. 目的探讨儿童大网膜囊性淋巴管瘤的诊断和治疗。
- Objectives:Studies on tumor operation intrance and method in the base of cranium of the anterior cranial fossa of skull, cheek and orbit. 目的:研究位于颅、面、眶等结构之间侵犯前颅窝底的肿瘤手术入路和手术方法。
- Objective To evaluate the urethra-lengthening technique in the management of stricture of the external orifice and navicular fossa of urethra. 目的提高对严重外尿道口及舟状窝部尿道狭窄的治疗效果。
- Objective:To provide an anatomical basis for imaging diagnosis and surgical treatment of omental bursa abscess. 目的:为网膜囊脓肿的影像诊断及外科治疗提供形态学依据。
- Which of the two methods is superior? 这两种方法哪一种好?
- Keywords Perforation;Omental sac pneumatosis;Gastroentestine; 关键词穿孔;网膜囊积气征;胃肠;
- Be away from duties without the permission of a superior officer. 军人在未获上级军官允许的情况下擅离职守。
- Keywords Omental sac lesions;Pancreatitis;acute;Ultrasonography; 网膜囊病变;急性胰腺炎;超声检查;
- In the words of a range of omentum is actually watching the scope of this is a very narrow scope. 在网膜上映入的一定范围就是实际上注视着的范围,这是很狭窄的范围。