- Boldness of execution stems from superb skill. 艺高人胆大。
- How wonderful! What superb skill! 嘻, 技至此乎!
- People gasped with admiration at the superb skill of the gymnasts. 体操运动员的高超技艺令人赞叹。
- The pastry cook, though over seventy, decorates cakes with superB skill. 这位点心师,虽已年过七旬,但给蛋糕裱花,依然技艺高超。
- The Uygur folk dances feature vibrating rhythm, diversified movements and superb skill. 维吾尔族民间舞蹈中具有:微颤的动律、多变的舞姿、高超的技巧。
- World-famous Chinese cloisonne enamel, made with superB skill, is matchless in the world. 蜚声世界的中国景泰蓝,其高超的制作技艺,令世人叫绝。
- It is characterized by polysemy and homonymy, the clever use of which demonstrates the superb skill in language use, achieving more artistic and impressive effects. 双关语的妙用是语言运用技艺高超的一种表现,使用恰当就能达到多种艺术效果,给人以深刻的印象。
- Doctor Wang was praised by his colleagues for his superb skills. 王大夫的高超医术博得同行的称赞。
- Modern basketball developed toward the direction of the high altitude advantage, high speed, superb skill and heated confrontation. 摘要现代篮球运动在向高空优势、高速度、高超技巧和激烈对抗的方向发展。
- Stage actors should have superb skills for delivering lines. 话剧演员需要有深厚的台词功力。
- What superb skill he's got! 他的技术何等高明啊!
- Good medical ethics and superb skills to infertile couples brought the Gospel. 其良好医德及精湛医技给不孕不育夫妇带来了福音。
- The conclusion shows that Nelly is not only the key for us to understanding the text, but also explains the plurality of the interpretations of the text and reflects the superb skill of Emily Bronte in writing and expressing her strange vision of life. 结论表明耐莉不仅是我们理解文本的关键,而且说明了文本阐释的多样化,也反映了艾米莉·勃朗特在写作以及表达她奇异的生活洞察力等方面的高超技巧。
- The manufacture of pattern steel reflects from one aspect ancient China's superb skill in metal smelting and processing, and her important place in the pattern steel technology of the ancient world. 这种花纹钢的制作,从一个侧面反映了我国古代金属冶炼和加工的高超技艺,以及在古代世界花纹钢技术中的重要地位。
- The superb skills of Song Dynasty sculptors can also be seen in the sculptures' drapery. 在人物衣纹的塑造上也体现出雕塑家的高超技艺。
- They were imitating the look and actions of some spirits with floating long sleeves with superb skills. 模仿灵鬼的音容笑貌,舞袖翩翻,技巧很高。
- The beautiful and complicated patterns on the bronzeware reveal the craftsmen's wisdom and superb skills. 这些种类繁多的纹饰、式样,不仅表现出铸造工匠的聪明才智和高超技艺
- The varied content, superb skills, vast teams, and the popularity in the society were both unprecedented and unrivaled in later times. 其形式品种之丰富,技艺之高超,队伍之庞大,以及在社会上流传之普遍与深入,都可以说是既空前又绝后的。
- A strong reflection of the artistic charm of the producers of intelligence, superb skills and a deep love of opera. 强烈的艺术魅力折射出制作者的聪明才智、高超的技艺和对戏曲的深挚热爱。
- He has outdone all his rivals in skill. 他在技巧方面胜过所有的对手。