- There is stored high pressure gas from super high pressure gas storage pot before engine working. 风气发动机前期有一个强高压储气罐储的高压气体。
- The device is features very high input impedance, super high CMRR, low noise and wide gain bandwidth. 该放大器具有高输入阻抗、高共模抑制比、低噪声和宽频带等特性。
- It has chromatographic performance of high column efficiency, good inertia and thermal stability, very high selectivity on analyzing dimethylbenzene isomer. 该柱具有柱效高、惰性好热稳定性好的色谱特性;用于二甲苯异构体的分析具有很好的选择性。
- The characteristics of sucker rod with super high strength are introduced and compared. 概述了超高强度抽油杆的特点,将其与其他抽油杆进行了对比分析;
- Without these super high quality magnets, this alternator would not be nearly as effective. 如果没有这些超级优质磁铁,这个发电机几乎不会有效。
- That's capturing super high resolution: eight, ten, or twelve mega-pixel images with extraordinarily high frame rate. 它是用非同寻常的高帧速捕获超高分辨率,8,10,或12个百万像素的图象。
- Chen W F, Xu Z J, Zhang W Z, Zhang L B, Yang S R.Creation of new plant type and breeding rice for super high yield. 陈温福;徐正进;张文忠;张龙步;杨守仁.;水稻新株型创造与超高产育种
- High strength rope for mine is manufactured by super high strength polyethylene. 本文介绍该绳索的编织加工工艺、索扣结构及有关性能。
- CEC in a plug flow pattern instead of the electroosmotic flow has a parabolic flow pattern of the pressure flow, which has a capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) high column efficiency. CEC以具有塞子流型的电渗流代替了具有抛物线流型的压力流,因而具有毛细管区带电泳(CZE) 的高柱效。
- A introduction of super high hydraulic pump project and dead zone dynamic compensation of Electrohydraulic proportional control systems. 介绍一种超高温液压泵源方案及电液比例控制系统的死区动态补偿。
- Our White steam filature silk is 100% qualified and above 3A50 class in average: the Douppioni silk is all double super high class. 我公司产品质量上乘,信誉良好,连续几年被县政府评为县级骨干企业和工业企业纳税大户,产品深受客户的好评。
- Compared with the cylindrical column with the same volume and the same length, the conical column had double sample capacity, 36% higher column effi... 对与锥型柱有相同长度、相同容积的圆柱型色谱柱的柱效、样品容量及峰高的比较研究表明:锥型柱优于圆柱型柱。
- A super high class person sprays doorknobs, banisters, and even other people with disinfectant before coming in contact with them. 2009.05.05. 一位极高级人士以消毒水喷所有门把、栏杆、连别人,才接触。
- A determining method is intreduced to measure leakage and degassing of rubber seals lohich is applied to high vaccum and super high vaccum system. 介绍了高真空和超高真空系统中使用的橡胶密封圈放气和渗漏的测量方法和结果。
- The system is mainly constituted of super high pressure genereator,two and half dimansions CNC machine tool and CAD/CAM. 该系统主要由超高压发生器、CNC二维半数控机床、计算机辅助系统(CAD/CAM)等几部分组成。
- The synthetic technique of super high TBN petroleum calcium sulfonate and its application effects in 5070 marine cylinder oil were described. 介绍超高碱值石油磺酸钙的合成工艺及在5070船用汽缸油中的应用效果。
- Very good stable curing shapes without stringing and slumping are achieved at super high speed dispensing and very amall dots. 尽管超高速涂敷、微少量涂敷仍可保持没有拉丝,塌陷的稳定形状。
- a high column surmounted by a statue 顶端立着一尊雕像的高大的柱子
- The integral steel platform formwork system is a new kind of formwork system to adapt the construction need of super high buildings. 摘要整体钢平台模板体系是适应超高层建筑主体施工需要的新型模板体系,在我国有广泛的应用前景。