- sunshine and heat resources 光热资源
- Our apricots are grown in a favorable condition of plenty of sunshine, great difference in temperature during day and night, and the field with abundant light and heat resources, beautiful environment, and pollution free. 平均海拔1000米以上,日照充足,昼夜温差大,光热资源丰富,自然生态环境,风光优美,无污染,无公害。
- Sunshine and health often go together. 有了阳光往往就有健康。
- To take advantage of the temperature glide matching of working substances and heat resources is an very importment reason of using non-azeotropic refrigerants. 选用非共沸工质的一个重要原因是为了利用其温度滑移特性以匹配热源流体的温度变化,减少换热过程的不可逆性。
- Ample sunshine and rainfall are bringing the crops on nicely. 充足的阳光和雨水正使庄稼茁壮地生长。
- It was learned by investigation and analysis that there was abound of radia- nt resources and heat resources in the micro-valley of Hulutao Gully and the precipitetion chang a lot so it was easily drought and easily water logging as well in the area. 通过调查和分析得知,葫芦头沟小流域辐射资源丰富,热量资源充足,降水变率大,易旱易涝。
- The weather alternates between sunshine and rain. 时而天晴,时而下雨。
- The sun sends out light and heat. 太阳发出光和热。
- He was the essence of sunshine and good-humor. 他成了阳光和兴致的化身。
- Southwest of Fujian locates at southern subtropic zone with abundant light and heat resource. 闽西南部地处南亚热带,光热资源丰富。
- Light and heat proceed form the sun. 光和热来自太阳。
- Come out into the sunshine and play. 出来到阳光底下来玩。
- We took our fill of the sunshine and fresh air. 我们尽情地沐浴着阳光,呼吸着新鲜空气。
- June with sunshine and the balmy breath of roses. 圣诞最有人情味,充满仁爱的时节,它如同阳光明媚、瑰吐露芬芳的六月。
- You bring my life with sunshine and happiness! 你给我的生活带来了灿烂阳光和幸福快乐!
- You really are my sunshine and a teller by my side. 你是我心中的阳光和指引。
- Sunshine and the singing of birds are cheery. 阳光和鸟儿的歌唱声是很亲切的。
- It is not all sunshine and rainbows. 生命也不只是阳光和彩虹。
- Hope my shop can bring you sunshine and warm. 希望我的小店能够带给大家暖暖的阳光。
- A fire is comparable with the sun; both give light and heat. 火可以和太阳相比,两者均可放出光和热。