- summation watt rating 体积功率
- The exhibition was a summation of his life's work. 这次展览汇集了他一生中典型的作品。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- What's the going rate of computer programmers? 计算机程序设计人员的一般工资是多少?
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- We couple the name of Watt with the steam engine. 我们把瓦特的名字与蒸汽机联系在一起。
- They charge a fixed rate for each transaction. 他们对办理的每项业务收取一定的费用。
- The going rate for freelance work is 5 an hour. 自由职业者的现行酬金是每小时5英镑。
- After a dramatic pause, the lawyer finished her summation. 在戏剧性的沉默之后,这位律师作完了她的总述。
- A unit of power equal to one thousandth(10-3) of a watt. 微瓦电学单位,等于千分之一(10-3)瓦
- At that rate, he ought to be punished. 如果那样,他应该受到惩罚。
- Can you tell me the rate for a double room, please? 请告诉我一间双人房的费用可以吗?
- The attorney's summation was telling. 这个律师的判论总结是非常有效的
- Steven Watt, Lenny Pidgeley, Anthony Grant. 史蒂夫-瓦特、莱尼-皮吉利、安东尼-格兰特。
- Above rate applicable until further notice. 除非另有通知,上述运费率适用。
- The defense attorney phrased his summation at last. 最后,辩护律师作了辩论总结。
- The steam engine was invented by Watt . 蒸汽机是由瓦特发明的。
- At any rate we must go on Tuesday. 无论如何,我们必须在星期二走。
- Watt invented the steam engine . 瓦特发明了蒸汽机。
- The car is going at the rate of60 miles an hour. 汽车以每小时六十英里的速度行驶。