- On the Protection of The Defendants'Rights in Summary Criminal Procedure 刑事简易程序中被告人权益的保障
- summary criminal procedure 刑事简易程序
- Informations were used also in criminal procedure. 控告起诉书也用于刑事诉讼中。
- The first Code of Criminal Procedure was enacted in 1861. 第一部刑事诉讼法典是在1861年颁布的。
- It is a simple and prompt criminal procedure, in contrast to criminal indictment procedure, so criminal summary procedure not only plays a considerably important role in judicial practice, but also receives much focus and affirmation. 刑事简易程序是相对于刑事普通程序而言一种简单迅速的刑事审判程序。 它不仅仅在司法实践中起着不可估量的重要作用,而且在学理上也受到了极大的重视和肯定。
- The justice lawsuit is vital to the criminal procedure, even to the civil case. 司法诉讼主要为刑事诉讼,即使民事案件,也是用刑事判断。
- China's Law of Criminal Procedure provides specific regulations on the deadline for handling criminal cases. 中国刑事诉讼法对刑事案件的办案期限,作了具体的规定。
- Evolution of criminal procedural model introduction II. 刑事诉讼模式的演进2。
- Present situation and the improvement of the separation of prosecution and trial in China's criminal procedure. 控审分离在我国刑事诉讼中的现状及完善。
- The Criminal Procedure Code explicitly states that immunities cannot be used as a shield against criminal liability. 刑事诉讼程序守则清楚指出,豁免权不可被用作逃避刑事责任的挡箭牌。
- Amendment in The Bill of Rights of American Constitutionare not criminal procedure, but the constitutional criminal. 宪法权利抑或刑事程序?
- In the Criminal Procedure,the relationship between the defend attorney and client has always been a difficult problem. 在刑事辩护中 ,当辩护律师与委托人的意见发生分歧时 ,一般以为律师不应违背委托人的意愿做出有损其合法利益的辩护。
- Stephan A. Saltzburg, Daniel J. Capra, American Criminal Procedure,( West Group Publishing,6th ed. 2000 ). 青柳文雄等,注釈刑事诉讼法第三卷,立花书房出版,平成3年10月20日。
- Keyword: Jurisdiction of criminal suit, Conflict,Criminal procedure law, Administration, Complete. 关键词:刑事诉讼管辖权,冲突,刑事诉讼法,管辖,完善
- "Now the situation analysis, has entered the detention of criminal procedure, would like to get out of it is not easy. 中英文对照:“现在这个情况分析,已经进入刑事拘留这个程序了,想脱身不容易了。”
- However there is no simple or uniform answer to the vexing question how to define the victim in the criminal procedure. 然而在刑事诉讼中被害人的法律地位如何体现、以何种形式体现,理论上缺乏统一的认识,法律定位不清,因而在实践中出现了不少的问题。
- Schaefer, Federalism and State Criminal Procedure,70 Harvard Law Review 1,P.26 (1956). 将米兰达规则直接归结为宪法的应有之意。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- Criminal procedure protect and turn to and seek with victims balance with right of accused for core. 刑事程序以被告人权利保护为核心转向寻求与被害人权利保护的平衡。
- But it can be investigated and assessed using civil not criminal procedures. 但是追究责任的程序是民事程序而非刑事程序。