- He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard. 他以最优等成绩从哈佛大学毕业。
- He gained top honors, eventually graduating summa cum laude in 1996. 他在班上功课顶尖,并以最优等的成绩于1996年毕业。
- Summa cum laude is a total average grade in all courses (Chinese and Canadian) greater than 90%. 最杰出学生奖获奖者(所有的中国和加拿大的课程)的所有学科的平均分为90%25。
- Franklin: He certainly has done well. Not many students are graduated summa cum laude, whatever their subject. 富兰克林:他的确表现出色。不论什麽学科,很少学生能以最高荣誉毕业。
- List academic honors such as dean"s list, distinctions such as summa cum laude, scholarships and other awards. 列出学术方面引以为荣的人物,如院长的名单;列出所有殊荣,诸如最高荣誉,奖学金及其他奖励。
- Glauber worked on the atomic bomb from 1944 to 1946, and graduated summa cum laude from Harvard College in 1946. 芒硝工作,对原子弹,从1944年至1946年,毕业于优异成绩从哈佛学院于1946年。
- Grade point average (GPA) and academic honors (eg Summa Cum Laude ) can be specified at the time of purchase. 平均成绩(政府采购协定)和学术荣誉(如最优 ) ,可以在指定的时间购买。
- I also graduated summa cum laude in high school and at my university, receiving strictly high A’s in high school and at my university. 无论是亚当、夏娃,还是所罗门时代,凡敬拜外邦神的均都遭到了灭亡。
- For this stage, however, I was relieved when all the degree requirements were finally fulfilled and I received my Master degree title, "summa cum laude" from the head of the education program at UNC. 然而至此,我终于松了口气,我达成了所有的需要条件并且在北卡大学教育计画以"优等成绩总结性论文"拿到了我的硕士学位。
- he earned his degree at Princeton summa cum laude. 他将在今年获得博士学位。
- graduated summa cum laude; a summa cum laude graduate. 以最优异的学业成绩毕业;学业成绩最优秀的毕业生
- graduated summa cum laude;a summa cum laude graduate. 以最优异的学业成绩毕业;学业成绩最优秀的毕业生
- summa cum laudeadv. 享有最高荣誉地
- He graduated cum laude from Georgetown University. 他以优等成绩毕业于乔治敦大学。
- She graduated magna cum laude from UCLA. 她以优异成绩毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校。
- To graduate Cum laude is to graduate with honor. 优等毕业即光荣的毕业。
- Jay is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Temple University . 杰伊先生是美国天普大学的优等毕业生。
- Kathy was very pleased to have graduated cum laud in her class. 凯西在班上以优等成绩毕业,她为此而非常高兴。
- I graduated cum laude from a small university in the northeast. 我以优异成绩毕业自东北部一所小型的大学。
- Top of your class at Loyola. Magna cum laude, in fact. 拉丁文,表示以优异的成绩。