- sulk after a defeat 失败后生气
- Retreat of a military force in the face of enemy attack or after a defeat. 撤退面对敌军进攻时或失败后的军事撤退
- After a defeat by Scotland in 1977, the visiting Tartan Army of fans invaded the pitch, infamously breaking the goalposts. 1977年被苏格兰打败后,客场球迷恶意破坏球场,门柱也被损坏。
- Since Olympic Games pass, then after everybody regroups after a defeat, should place the center of gravity at the entertainment enterprise. 既然奥运过去,那么大家重整旗鼓之后又该将重心放在娱乐事业上了。
- "As a captain, I actually find it easier to do what's expected of me after a defeat because you know the lads are hurt and want to react in the right way. “作为队长,实际上我觉得在失败后更容易去做别人期望我去做的事,因为你知道年轻人受伤了并且想要反抗正确的途径。
- To recuperate after a defeat. 从挫折中恢复
- After a week's work I like to retreat to the country to relax. 工作一周之後,我喜欢躲到乡下松弛一下。
- The eggs began to decompose after a day in the sun. 鸡蛋在太阳下放了一天后开始变坏。
- Moves fights again, loses a game of Wang Yihan to regroup after a defeat first, it takes the lead in the opening to start to fiercely attack, and by 3:1 forestalls opponent by a show of strength. 易地再战,先失一局的王仪涵重整旗鼓,其在开局率先发动猛攻,并以3:1先声夺人。
- He kicked in after a long and painful illness. 经过长期痛苦的疾病之后,他死了。
- After a day at the races I was left stony broke. 一天赛马会下来,我一贫如洗。
- After a long coma the sick man slowly came back. 昏睡了好久以后,那个病人慢慢地恢复了活力。
- I find his book begin to pall on me after a while. 我发觉他的书读过一阵子就开始对我失去吸引力。
- They caught the puppy after a long chase. 他们追了很久才把小狗逮住。
- The town was forced to yield after a long siege. 该城受长期围困而被迫弃守。
- A defeat for the enemy is much the same. 所谓敌人的失败,也是如此。
- Only after a bitter struggle was the aim achieved. 这个目的只有经过艰苦的斗争才能达到。
- What constitutes a defeat for the Red Army? 红军的失败是什么呢?
- Providence have make me a lady after a fashion. 天公终于勉强把我造成一位贵妇人。
- He has got afoot after a long sickness. 他长期患病后现在已经可以行走了。