- sulfur origins of acid rain 酸雨硫源
- DHMO is a major component of acid rain. 是形成酸雨的主要成分。
- Lakes and rivers were the first victims of acid rain. 首先受酸雨之害的是湖泊和河流。
- Officials modeled the system on the sulfur dioxide trading market established in the U.S. in 1995, which has successfully cut levels of acid rain. 1995年,美国在二氧化硫交易市场所建立的一个系统,成功减缓了酸雨的现象,欧洲官员则效仿了这个系统。
- There's been a lot of debate about the cause of acid rain. 关于酸雨形成的原因已经讨论了很多了。
- As to pH 4 5 value of acid rain, it also existed rapid and slow rate processes. 至于 pH4 5酸雨淋溶下 ,K+淋失分为快速释放过程和慢速释放过程
- Acid Rain Pollution and Its Origin of Hangzhou 杭州市酸雨污染现状及成因分析
- The one-hundred year history of no acid rain in Beijing has been altered, and Beijing has already been on the blacklist of acid rain-plagued cities. 北京一改百年无酸雨历史,已经由无酸雨区转而名列酸雨城市“黑名单”。
- The program will concentrate on the control of acid rain pollution, air pollution and water pollution and take comprehensive measurements. 这个方案将集中力量控制酸雨污染、空气污染、水污染,并采取综合处理措施。
- The frequency of acid rain in Beijing has reached 80%, and August has seen the most serious acid rain pollution in Beijing so far this year. 北京的酸雨频率达到80%25,8月北京曾出现过今年以来最严重的酸雨污染。
- The apparent celestial origin of a meteoric shower. 流星群的辐射点明显的流星雨太空光源
- From water body, plants, buildings and human health etc. to discuss the harmfulness of acid rain and urgency of acid rain control in detail. 文章从水体、植物、建筑群、人体健康等几个方面,详细讨论了酸雨的危害性和酸雨防治的迫切性。
- The origin of the universe is an ageless topic. 关于宇宙的起源的问题是个永恒的论题。
- What was the origin of the quarrel? 这场争吵的起因是什么?
- The results indicated that the leaching of acid rain led to increasing of latent acid of soil in short time though amortizing of soil to acid precipitation. 结果表明 ,虽然土壤对酸性降水的致酸作用具有一定的缓冲性能 ,但酸性降水仍能在短期内导致土壤潜在酸增加 ;
- So it is very important to study on the forming mechanism of acid rain, its features, changing regular and policy of prevention and cure in Leshan an excellent tourism city. 研究乐山酸雨污染形成机理、特征、变化规律以及防治对策,对于乐山这个优秀旅游城市来说,具有非常重要的意义。
- Based on the analysis of landform, climate, meteorology, air pollution, rainfall and acid rain in Yibin city, some control countermeasures of acid rain pollution are put forward. 本文通过对宜宾市城市的地形、气候、气象特点、大气污染状况、降水质量状况以及酸雨成因的分析,提出了宜宾市城市酸雨污染的防治对策。
- He likes to trace the origins of all things. 什么事他都喜欢推本溯源。
- The situation will be serious in winter and spring.The vertical distribution and the aerosol followed by southeaster from sea in summer are other reasons of acid rain. 同时,特殊的边界层气象条件及夏季东南风带来的海洋气溶胶对酸雨的形成也有一定影响。
- The effects of acid rain,dust fall and their complex pollution on the growth and feeding behavior of cabbage caterpillar have been studied by indoor simulation experiment. 通过室内模拟试验探讨了酸雨、降尖及其复合污染对菜青虫生长发育和取食行为的影响。