- She lugged the suitcase out into the hallway. 她吃力地将提箱拖进门厅。
- The farmer keeps hundreds of pigs on his farm. 那个农场主在他的农场里养了几百头猪。
- The clothes were badly crushed in the suitcase. 衣服压在箱子里皱得不像样子了。
- My clothes won't all go into that tiny suitcase. 那个小衣箱装不下我所有的衣物。
- That farmer employs many farm laborers. 那位农场主雇佣很多农场工人。
- Mark plunked the heavy suitcase down at the station. 马克在车站把沉重的箱子砰地一声放在地下。
- The farmer paid 3 laborers to gather the crop. 农场主雇佣3名工人收割庄稼。
- Will this suitcase hold all my clothes? 这只衣箱装得下我所有的衣物吗?
- The farmer was yoking his oxen to a plough. 农夫正在用轭把牛套到犁上。
- This suitcase is the thing for me. 这只手提箱正合我的需要。
- She is all in a stew over her lost suitcase. 她因丢失衣箱焦急万分。
- The farmer hasn't finished milking. 那农夫还未挤完奶。
- Her possessions could fit in one suitcase. 她的全部财物可以装在一个手提箱内。
- He stuffed the suitcase with his clothes. 他把衣服塞满手提箱。
- The farmer carted his vegetables to the market. 农民用车把蔬菜装运到市场。
- She packed all her belongings into a suitcase. 她将全部东西都装进了一只手提箱。
- The farmer has a vineyard on his farm. 那个农场主在他的农场里有一个葡萄园。
- My wife compacted my clothes in a suitcase. 妻子把我的衣服紧塞在手提箱里。
- The farmer has an orange grove on the hillside. 那位农民在山坡上拥有一片桔子园。
- Could you help me up with this suitcase? 你帮我把这箱子搬到楼上好吗?