- Adjust the connector nut to suitable location. 把线夹螺母调节至合适位置。
- It was difficult to find a suitable location. 当时要找一个合适的外景拍摄地相当困难。
- It is a suitable location for a new school. 那是建一所新学校的合适地点。
- Drag the mouse into orbit suitable location for the train through! 鼠标拖动轨道放到合适的位置,让火车通过!
- Turn the nut by hand, and fix the connector in suitable location. 先用手旋紧螺母,把线夹固定在合适位置。
- Another suitable location in the US is the Adirondacks in New York. 在美国,另外一个合适的位置是位于纽约州的阿迪伦达克山区。
- Indoor parts installation: to install the indoor parts to a suitable location. 室内机安装:将室内机安放于适当的安装位置.
- The game is very simple: to find a suitable location can drag on the items. 游戏很简单:找到适当的位置拖动物品就可以了。
- The end of the discharge line opening should terminate near a floor drain or other suitable location not subject to blocking or freezing. 排泄管道的终端开口必须靠近地漏或其他不会堵塞或冻结的地方。
- Arrow moved to a suitable location clicking of the mouse and then moved to the power slot suitable location fired another click of a mouse, Oh! 箭头移到合适的位置点击鼠标,再看力量槽移动到合适的位置再点鼠标发射,呵呵!
- Outdoor parts and solar panel installation: to select a suitable location to install and secure the outdoor parts and solar panel. 室外机组及太阳能集热转换器的安装:选择适合的位置,将太阳能集热转换器与室外机固定于安装位置上。
- Initiates were looking for a suitable location when they came across a steak house next to the Ilan Cultural Center that was for sale. 当我们开车去寻找店面时,看上了在宜兰文化中心旁的一家牛排馆,此店面正要顶让给人。
- The location is exceptionally poor, viewed from a sanitation point, so Julia had to devote hertime to finding suitable location for a new school. 从卫生角度来看,这个地段非常糟糕,所以朱利亚不得不花时间找一处适于建新学校的地点。
- Conclusion Suitable location or method and correct operation are the key steps to achieve a satisfactory cytologic or histologic diagnosis p... 结论选取合适的定位和取材方法及正确的操作是提高细胞学、组织学诊断的阳性率的关键步骤。
- A blimp can be stored in the back of a jeep, driven to a suitable location, launched in a couple of hours and winched down again even faster. 一艘飞艇可以装进吉普车的后尾箱,开到合适的地点,在一两个小时内发射,而且回收十分迅速。
- Game Controls: Click the left mouse button introduced, until a suitable location after it left mouse button. Small penguins still the higher the better. 游戏操作:点击鼠标左键开始发力,等到合适的位置后再点击鼠标左键,把小企鹅仍的越高越好。
- Ramps and stair-lifts for wheel-chaired patrons are available at suitable locations. 大会堂多个地点设斜道及楼梯升降台,方便轮椅使用者。
- Analysis is then made to demonstrate that Tamar at the Central & Wanchai reclamation area, the former British Naval base and the last piece of open site on the Hong Kong island, is the most suitable location for the new city centre. 本文继而分析新都市中心之最适当地点是前英国海军基地、现时香港岛最后一块临海空间、位于中环湾仔填海区之添马舰地带;
- For offices outside the Headquarters, they were strongly encouraged to provide recycle boxes for waste paper collection at suitable locations. 我们大力鼓励总部以外的办事处在适当地点设置回收箱,收集废纸。
- Among the bees that depart are scouts that search for the new nest site and report back using a waggle dance to advertise suitable locations. 在分离出去的蜜蜂中有些寻找新巢穴地点并回来用摇摆舞通告合适地点的侦察兵。