- Do you take milk and sugar in your tea? 你的茶里要加牛奶和糖吗?
- An ounce of sugar has about 100 calories. 一盎司的糖含约100大卡的热量。
- He has shaken down the sugar in the bag. 他已把袋里的糖摇结实了。
- The second batch of sugar is better than the first. 第二批制成的糖比第一批好。
- How many calories can an ounce of sugar supply? 一盎司糖可以供给多少卡热量?
- The tax inspector agreed the figures. 税务稽查员核准了这些数字。
- Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach. 糖和淀粉在胃里被分解。
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- They often use sugar to make caramel. 他们经常用糖制作焦糖。
- I bought sugar, tea, eggs and what not. 我买了糖、茶、蛋等东西。
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 税务局:您所在的办事处交税吗?
- He put some sugar into his coffee. 他往咖啡里加了些糖。
- It will be a heavy tax on my energy/time. 这要耗费我许多精力/时间。
- He sprinkled sugar over his cereal. 他在麦片粥里撒上了糖。
- She stirred the sugar into her coffee. 她把糖搅和到咖啡里。
- He assist me with my income tax return. 他帮助我填写所得税申报单。
- Pills coated with sugar are easier to eat. 外包糖衣的药片较容易吃下去。
- He neglected to return his income tax form. 他忽略了所得税表格的申报。
- Oops! I put in sugar instead of salt. 啊!我错把糖当盐放了。
- The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud. 当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。