- Furthermore, in applications where sufficient lubrication cannot be achieved or where an electric current passing through the bearings has to be prevented, SKF bearings can be supplied with special coatings. 而且,在无法达到足够的润滑或必须防止电流通过轴承的应用场合,SKF可以提供涂有特殊涂层的轴承。
- There is sufficient food for everybody. 有足够的饭菜供大家吃。
- Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need. 足够的足以满足要求或需求的
- Her income is not sufficient to support her family. 她的收入不够养活家人。
- Is the money sufficient to cover the tuition? 这笔钱付学费够吗?
- sufficient lubrication 充分润滑
- Lack of sufficient education loaded the dice against Jack. 没有获得足够的教育使杰克吃了亏。
- I doubt whether they really have sufficient manpower. 我怀疑他们是否真有足够的人力。
- The money I have saved is sufficient for buying a car. 我所存的钱足以买一辆汽车。
- Desertion is a ground (ie legally sufficient reason) for divorce. 被配偶遗弃是离婚的充足理由。
- Flushing lubrication oil(fuel oil) system of M/E. 主机滑油(燃油)管路投油清洗。
- Inspecting the oil level of motor lubrication. 检查发动机润滑油油面。
- The oven holds sufficient heat to fire up a fresh charge of coal. 炉里有足够的热量使新加进的煤燃烧起来。
- They had food and clothing sufficient for their needs. 他们有足够所需的食品和衣服。
- The company will succeed only if it have sufficient backing. 只有当该公司获得足够的资助,它才会成功。
- It is suitable for grease lubrication only. 它只能用于滑脂润滑场合。
- Central grease fitting for lubrication of stem nut. 中心黄油嘴适用于阀杆螺母润滑。
- Factory and city are more complex organism than self- sufficient village. 工厂和城市是较自给自足的村庄更为复杂的社会组织。
- Better stem nut lubrication control. 更好的阀杆螺母润滑控制。
- We shall requiremore lubrication oil this month. 这个月我们需要更多滑润油。