- sudden tip wither 剑麻叶尖猝枯病
- He twisted up with a sudden stab of pain. 一阵突然的剧疼使他挺不起身来。
- All other laurels wither before hers. 所有荣誉和她获得的相比都黯然失色。
- The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然转向东流。
- Did you remember to tip the porter? 你记得给搬运工小费了吗?
- Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden cold. 一半的水果作物在突如其来的寒流中被冻死。
- Remove an old tree and it will wither to death. [谚]老树移栽活不了,老人迁居命不长。
- The boy jumped up in surprise at the sudden noise. 突如其来的响声吓得这个男孩跳了起来。
- We were seized by a sudden impulse to run. 我们身不由己突然想跑。
- That wheelbarrow is top-heavy; it'll tip over. 那辆单轮手推车重心不稳,会翻倒。
- The populace at large are opposed to sudden change. 人民群众普遍反对突然实行的变革。
- A canoe will sometimes tip over quickly. 独木舟有时一下子会翻掉。
- A sudden, thought flashed across his brain. 突然一种想法在他脑海里闪过。
- The boy began crying all of a sudden. 那男孩忽然哭了起来。
- His sudden death upset everybody. 他的突然去世使大家深感悲伤。
- The sudden noise set the dog barking. 这突然的声响惊得狗汪汪叫起来。
- I have her name on the tip of my tongue. 她的名字就在我嘴边,却说不出来。
- The tide comes in with a sudden rush here. 这里潮水来势汹涌。
- He always has some money at the tip of his fingers. 他手头总有些钱。
- All of a sudden, the tyre burst. 轮胎突然爆裂了。