- succulent semidesert 肉质植物半沙漠
- Succulent such as aloe vera, yucca, etc. 多汁植物,如芦荟、 藜芦、丝兰等。
- South Florida Cactus and Succulent Society, Inc. 南佛罗里达仙人掌和多肉植物协会。
- These are wonderfully succulent peaches. 这些桃子汁水很多。
- Seeds enveloped by red succulent aril. 种子有红色肉质假种皮。
- They were enormous,succulent and appetizing. 它们很大,很鲜嫩,也很诱人。
- The long and succulent finish lingers on the fruit. 有绵长的果味作为余味。
- The plant has a succulent rhizome. 这种植物有肉质根茎。
- Stem erect, succulent, branched or simple. 茎直立,肉质的,分枝或单。
- South American bean having very long succulent pods. 南美洲的一种豆类,结有很长的且多汁的豆荚。
- Many have a succulent growth form with swollen stems or leaves. 有很多种类的盐土植物具有肥厚的茎叶,属于肉质植物。
- Drag onto the page to add a succulent, such as aloe vera or yucca. 拖到绘图页后,可以添加多汁植物,如芦荟、 藜芦或丝兰。
- Sizzling king prawns came next, cooked impeccably and succulent. 然后上的是嗞嗞作响的大虾,烹制得完美无缺、汁水丰富。
- Fruit a succulent drupe, endocarp bony, mesocarp fleshy. 果一个肉质的的核果,内果皮骨质,中果皮肉质。
- The large, succulent, delicious fruits (papaya) are eaten. 大,肉质的,美味的果(番木瓜)被吃。
- The musk ox steak on my plate was seductively dark and succulent. 摆在我盘子里的麝牛牛排看上去颜色很深,鲜嫩多汁,非常诱人。
- Leaves succulent, petiolate or subsessile, margin dentate. 叶肉质植物,叶具柄或近无柄,边缘具牙齿。
- This species provides forage in desert and semidesert areas; sheep and camels eat the annual branches. 本种在沙漠和半沙漠地区里提供饲料;绵羊和骆驼吃一年生枝。
- Southwestern U.S is desert and semidesert, sparely covered with giant cactus and low shrubs, hot in the day and cold at night. 美国的西南部是沙漠和半沙漠,零星散布着一些巨大的仙人掌属植物和低矮的灌木,白天很热,晚上很冷。
- Diners can enjoy succulent cherry tomatoes filled with a nutty sesame sauce. 食客品尝到鲜嫩多汁的樱桃西红柿里面填满了坚果的芝麻酱。