- The events I'm speaking of were subsequent to the war. 我现在说到的事情都是战后发生的。
- Subsequent to its success as a play, it was made into a film. 该剧在舞台上获得成功之後,又摄制成了电影。
- On the day subsequent to the earthquake he went to London. 在地震发生的第二天,他去了伦敦。
- He confessed to other crimes subsequent to the bank robbery. 他供认抢劫银行案後,又坦白了其他罪行。
- Subsequent to a week's rest, Mary returned to work. 休息了一个星期后,玛丽重返工作。
- The day subsequent to your visit he died. 你探望后的第二天, 他便去世了。
- His illness was subsequent to his wife's death. 他在妻子死后就病倒了。
- The time subsequent to the exam is really relaxing. 考试后的日子非常放松。
- On the day subsequent to his visit, she disappeared. 在他访问的第二天,她失踪了。
- The time immediately subsequent to a particular event. 特殊事件后紧接着的时期
- Subsequent to its success as a play,it is made into a film. 该剧在舞台上获得成功之后,又摄制成了电影。
- On the day subsequent to the earthquake he go to London. 在地震发生的第二天,他去了伦敦。
- There have been further developments subsequent to our meeting. 在我们的会议之后又有新发展。
- He confessed to other crime subsequent to the bank robbery. 他供认抢劫银行案後, 又坦白了其他罪行。
- The subsequent to the national congress was a press conference. 国民大会后举行的是记者招待会。
- This refers to a public offering subsequent to an initial public offering. 指在首次发行之后的再次公开发行股票。
- Subsequent to departure clearance, passengers should then proceed to boarding. 出境后的乘客可直接登船。
- As the subsequent to the retired leader, he followed his predecessor's policy. 作为这位退休领导的后继者,他继承了前任的政策。
- Product approval should be subsequent to the verification of the manufacturing process. 产品批准应在制造过程验证之后进行
- Subject to Clause 24 hereof, no tender may be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of tenders. 按条款二十四的规定,任何标书在最后期限后不能再进行修改。