- subscriber rs line noise 用户线杂音
- subscriber rs line interface circuit 用户线接口电路
- multiparty subscriber rs line 多用户合用线
- subscriber rs line 户专用线, 用户线路
- subscriber rs line equipment 用户线路设备
- out-of-area subscriber rs line 区域外用户线
- rural subscriber rs line 农话用户线
- subscriber rs line loss 用户线损耗
- subscriber rs line free charge 用户线空闲
- subscriber rs line use system 用户线使用系统
- Conducted EMI is also called high-frequency line noise. 传导引起的电磁干扰也就是所谓的高频噪音。
- Playing football is in my brother rs line. 踢足球是我弟弟的专长。
- In communications, to transmit data that arrive at the receiving end in an unintelligible jumble of characters, usually because of equipment malfunction or line noise. 在通信技术中,通常由于设备故障或线路噪声,使在接收端得到的数据成为无法理解的一堆字符的数据传输失误。
- In communications,to transmit data that arrive at the receiving end in an unintelligible jumble of characters,usually because of equipment malfunction or line noise. 在通信技术中,通常由于设备故障或线路噪声,使在接收端得到的数据成为无法理解的一堆字符的数据传输失误。
- A subscriber to a telephone party line. 对方合用电话线路的用户
- calling subscriber rs number identification 主叫用户号码识别
- subscriber rs inter-communication installation 用户内部通话装置
- Analysis of the Railway Line Noise Characteristic 铁路线路噪声特点分析
- subscriber rs number display circuit 用户显号电路
- subscriber rs digital interface unit 用户数字接口设备